Scottish Daily Mail

Labour are deluged by complaints over anti-Semitic hatred

Some allegation­s date back more than two years

- By Daniel Martin and John Stevens

JEREMY Corbyn’s failure to deal with anti-Semitism in his party was laid bare last night.

Labour sources revealed that they have a backlog of no fewer than 74 allegation­s of ‘shocking’ antiJewish sentiment.

Some date back more than two years and have led to suspension­s rather than expulsions.

Labour MP John Mann said he knew of 130 further cases that had not been dealt with properly and should now be reassessed.

A party source said: ‘Many of these cases include the most shocking and blatant anti-Semitism that would make even a committed neo-Nazi blush.

‘From Holocaust denial to outright hatred of Jewish people, these views should not be tolerated anywhere in society, let alone Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour Party. He needs to give a clear signal that there can be no excusing and no tolerating these views.’

The figures underline the scale of Labour’s problem with anti-Semitism among its hard-Left members, and call into question Mr Corbyn’s claims that allegation­s have been dealt with swiftly.

Among those not yet expelled are Ken Livingston­e, who claimed two years ago that Adolf Hitler was a Zionist.

The former London mayor is only suspended – despite never having apologised for his offensive comments.

Jackie Walker has been suspended twice: once for describing Jews as the ‘chief financiers of the sugar and slave trade’, and once for calling for Holocaust Memorial Day to be less focused on Jews. The former vice-chairman of Corbyn-backing Momentum has also not been expelled.

In the wake of 1,500 members of the Jewish community converging on Westminste­r to protest against Labour anti-Semitism:

Jewish leaders demanded Mr Corbyn finally kick Mr Livingston­e out of the party;

The Labour leader was accused of sidesteppi­ng the issue of antiSemiti­sm at yesterday’s meeting of the shadow cabinet.

The issue of anti-Semitism in Labour returned to the spotlight

‘Would make even a neo-Nazi blush’

after it emerged Mr Corbyn had defended an artist who painted an offensive mural.

He had criticised the decision to remove the painting, which depicted a group of ‘hook-nosed’ men around a Monopoly board, from a wall in east London. He claimed he had not looked at the image properly when it was posted on Facebook.

Yesterday, a Labour MP accused the leader of having become the ‘poster boy of anti-Semites everywhere’, and the Board of Deputies, which comprises 300 representa­tives from the country’s synagogues, said he was ‘swimming in a sewer that is totally polluted by anti-Semitism’.

Mr Corbyn was forced into an apology, pledging to be a ‘militant opponent of anti-Semitism’.

Last night his office confirmed the number of outstandin­g antiSemiti­sm cases was around 74.

But Mr Mann said: ‘It is many more than 74. There are around 130 other cases I know of which have been put in. What is depressing is that there are so many cases being dealt with officially – and that it had taken so long to deal with them. We are talking the last two or three years.

‘Some of them are crude, base anti-Semitism. It’s horrendous.

‘These people talk about the Jewish conspiracy, about the Jewish media, the Jewish bankers, Nazi Zionists.’

Last night a spokesman for the Labour Party said: ‘The Labour Party is committed to challengin­g and campaignin­g against antiSemiti­sm in all its forms.’

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