Scottish Daily Mail

How the Mail led the way

- Daily Mail Reporter

Investigat­ion: From Saturday’s Mail

THE Daily Mail has led the way in exposing the anti-Semitism allegation­s that have triggered a crisis in the Labour Party.

Our series of revelation­s in the past week culminated in an investigat­ion on Saturday by Guy Adams that probed Jeremy Corbyn’s previous membership of Palestine Live, an anti-Semitic Facebook group.

Some of the contributo­rs described Jews as ‘demons’ and others accused Israelis of harvesting the organs of Arab children. They also posted links to speeches by white supremacis­ts including the leader of the Ku Klux Klan.

On Wednesday, the Mail reported how Mr Corbyn’s youngest son had been dragged into the toxic row after he allowed a ‘Nazi cartoon’ to remain on his Facebook feed without challengin­g or deleting the vile image, which showed the Star of David crushing people. A Mail investigat­ion then revealed that Tommy Corbyn had previously been a member of at least three anti-Semitic Facebook groups, many of them filled with deeply offensive and obscene content.

One was called End the Royal Family and Their £40m+ Per Year. Another was a page dedicated to Ken O’Keefe, a US commentato­r often accused of anti-Semitism.

The Mail also revealed that Christine Shawcroft, then chairman of Labour’s disputes panel, had been forced to resign for opposing the suspension of a party activist who posted an image on Facebook that apparently questioned the Holocaust. d

Corbyn insists he didn’t know about the racist filth on the five Facebook sites he was linked to. Really? Read this chilling investigat­ion and ask how you could ever vote for a party led by him

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