Scottish Daily Mail



SKIN problems are a huge issue during the menopause. And, although life expectancy contine,to rise, the average age of the menopause has changed rela little over the past century. This means there are far more women suffering with skin issues associated with the menopause for a much longer period of time. In the run-up to the menopause, or `perimenopa­usar period, women will notice changes in their skin. This starts from about the mid-40s onwards, when oestrogen levels start to decline. For some women, this can lead the developmen­t of acne. As en falls, levels of male hormones, which women also produce,, become proportion­re ately more dominant, which can drive oilgland activity. however, may start to dryness and red patches. Once women reach the menopause, the body the body goes into a a relatively 11 oestrogen-deficient state. Lack of oestrogen is the most common cause of post-menopausal issues. Oestrogen is what keeps ourhairand skin youthful, and hormone replaceera­py -ment therapy (HRT) may — help maintain skin elasticure -ity, moisture and thickness. However, not everyone is suitable for, or wants to take, HRT, and this decision needs to be made after discussion with your doctor.

Common problems: SKIN DRYNESS

THERE is a reduction in skin metabolism. Skin functions less effectivel­y as a barrier, resulting in increased water loss. This will leave the skin vulnerable to the elements. Alongside this, there is reduced oil and lipid production.


AFTER the menopause, women’s skin thickness decreases by 1.13 per cent per year owing to falling collagen levels. In the first five years after menopause, collagen content is thought to decrease by as much as 30 per cent. Collagen is needed for the skin’s support structure. Hormones and sun damage work in synchrony to promote wrinkles and sagging.


AS THE skin thins with age, there is also loss of fat and connective tissue support around blood vessels which makes them more susceptibl­e to injury. Oestrogen has a protective role in wound healing and reduced levels after menopause mean the skin takes longer to heal following trauma.


REDNESS can occur due to hot flushes associated with the menopause. Rosacea can also develop for the first time, leading to redness and sensitivit­y.


STRAGGLY facial hair often starts to appear on the chin and upper lip due to a change in the ratio of oestrogen to male hormones in the bloodstrea­m. Hairs can be tweezed, plucked, threaded or waxed, or removed with electrolys­is or laser if they are dark.

Getting skincare right after the menopause is important. Using a retinoid-based product at night will boost collagen production and an antioxidan­t serum will limit potential damage to already fragile skin.

Here are my top tips for dealing with menopausal skin:

Choose cream cleansers for dry skin rather than foaming washes.

Hydrate the skin and moisturise with rich creams rather than gels morning and evening.

Use a daily broad-spectrum SPF 15–30.

Keep up with regular exercise to boost blood flow to the skin.

Exfoliate regularly to help fade brown marks.

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