Scottish Daily Mail

It’s terrif ic drama. But don’t let a new West End play fool you, the Coughing Major was as guilty as sin!


To anyone planning a night in London’s West end to see Quiz, a drama based on the long-running TV series Who Wants To Be a Millionair­e?, I hope you have a marvellous time.

and to settle any doubts you might have about the character at the centre of the play, who has gone down in television folklore as ‘The Coughing Major’, he was as guilty as sin. you need to know this in advance, because I’ve seen the show, and the cast go all out to portray the central character, Major Charles Ingram, and his wife Diana as innocent parties.

This is playwright James Graham’s third stage success in barely more than a year (following Labour of Love — a comedy about the travails of life as a Labour MP — and Ink — about the birth of The Sun newspaper). So I’m sure that he knows what he’s doing, by painting this convicted fraudster as a modern-day Robin Hood.

Keir Charles, the actor playing me as the host of the quiz show Who Wants To Be a Millionair­e?, is outstandin­g. But good drama is not the same as hard fact. and at the end of the night, when the players ‘ask the audience’ to cast their verdict, they might want to bear a few details in mind.

Such as, never in the history of the quiz I hosted in Britain for 15 years, has anyone scooped the top prize when they clearly had no sure idea of most of the answers.

For those who don’t remember the infamous scandal of ‘The Coughing Major’ (or who are too young to have seen the broadcast — after all, it was September 2001), this was a national sensation, caused by the most popular show on TV.

Who Wants To Be a Millionair­e? is a quiz game where contestant­s can double their money with every correct answer — or lose it all with a single wrong one.

It is a game for gamblers, but not complete idiots. each question comes with a multiple choice of four possible answers.

a few players managed to answer all 15 to win the jackpot, such as our first millionpou­nd winner, Judith Keppel, who is now a resident team member on another TV quiz show, eggheads.

But even the contestant­s with superlativ­e knowledge discovered it’s hard to pick the right answer every time when studio spotlights blaze in your face and the cameras are beaming your sweaty close-up to around 17million viewers. That’s when self-doubt sets in.

yet one contestant, former British army Major Ingram, seemed blithely certain he couldn’t lose, even when he was stabbing at answers blindly. In rehearsals, he flunked a trial question that asked the nationalit­y of media baron Rupert Murdoch, by declaring that he was South african.

Ingram, at the time a serving officer with the Royal engineers, seemed nice but dim.

We learned that he was the third member of his family to appear on the show. His wife and one of her brothers had both won £32,000. I remembered Diana Ingram’s appearance because she seemed miffed that her run ended before she reached the big prizes, as though things hadn’t gone to plan.

So I FeLT sorry for her husband. There was a lot of pressure on him to match his missus, and he didn’t have the brains to do it. My fears for him increased when the questions were still easy ones and the prize money stood at just £1,000. ‘The normans who conquered england in 1066 spoke which language?’ I asked Ingram. He floundered. Was it Danish? Perhaps norwegian? Probably not German. or maybe French?

after a lot of hesitation, he plumped for French. Which, as any schoolboy knows, is the right answer. That pattern was repeated twice more: total bewilderme­nt followed by a lucky guess.

or so I thought, as we wrapped up filming for the day and told Ingram to return for the rest of the game the next morning.

It had been a strange recording session, and it got stranger when a sound technician told me the equipment had been picking up weird bursts of electronic interferen­ce. Then the studio manager reported that one member of the audience had caused constant disruption, by getting up to use his mobile phone. That man turned out to be another of Diana Ingram’s brothers.

Police later suspected that Ingram had four pagers — a, B, C and D — hidden in different pockets, to indicate the right answer by buzzing. (Pagers! I told you this was a long time ago.) of course, at this point, I was not aware of any of this.

The next day, the electronic interferen­ce was gone but Ingram’s luck still held.

He made ludicrous guesses, plumping for names when moments before he had said he’d never heard of any them.

each time he seemed flummoxed at first, then serenely confident by the time he gave his ‘final answer’. over my years in the Millionair­e quizmaster’s chair, I have told 12 contestant­s: ‘you can walk away now with half a million quid — but if you get the next answer wrong, you will leave with only £32,000. Do you really want to continue?’

In 11 cases, I saw genuine fear in their eyes. But Ingram didn’t even seem mildly bothered by the prospect of losing £468,000.

The last question was: ‘a number one followed by 100 zeros is known by what name?’ Ingram surveyed the possible answers and commented: ‘I don’t think I have heard of a googol.’ So what answer did he eventually pick? and what was the right answer? naturally — a googol. as his wife rushed to congratula­te him, the body-microphone­s picked up her whisper: ‘nobody will believe you.’ In the guest room afterwards, Ingram and his wife had a screaming row. Who does that when they’ve just hit TV’s biggest jackpot? Still, when allegation­s of cheating began to fly around the production office in the following days, I couldn’t credit it.

naively, it was beyond my comprehens­ion that a Major in the British army would stoop to dishonesty — even for a lifetime’s pay. But when I studied the playbacks, it was obvious.

In the tension of the studio, I hadn’t heard it — but the microphone­s picked up every sound. Coughs from the audience were telling Ingram how to answer.

On each question, he had mulled aloud over all four possibilit­ies. Who was Jackie Kennedy’s second husband? adnan Khashoggi? (Silence) Ronald Reagan? (Silence) Rupert Murdoch? (Silence) aristotle onassis? (Cough!) It happened every time, and the coughers seemed to be Diana Ingram and another contestant, Tecwen Whittock, a college lecturer.

Then police discovered that a number of phone calls were made between Whittock and Ingram the night before the show. Ingram’s explanatio­n? He’d never met Whittock but perhaps the chap was having an affair with his wife!

When our producer phoned Ingram, to say that the millionpou­nd cheque would be cancelled, he didn’t seem surprised. He simply said: ‘Thank you for letting me know.’

Two years later, after a meticulous investigat­ion, Charles and Diana Ingram and Tecwen Whittock were all found guilty of the deception. The Ingrams received 18-month suspended prison sentences, and Whittock a 12-month suspended sentence.

I’m sure that if Ingram had bowed out with £500,000, ITV would not have pursued the case.

The broadcaste­r stood to lose too much — not just in legal fees, but in viewers’ goodwill. Imagine the outcry against the show if Ingram had been cleared. Instead, his reputation was wrecked.

a few months later, following another trial for fraud, he was kicked out of the army.

Some may feel poor old Charlie Ingram has paid a high price for his ham-fisted attempt to cheat at a quiz game. Where’s the harm, you might say, in claiming you know what a googol is?

But this was a scheme to defraud a public company out of £1 million. anyone who tried to steal that from a bank would be looking at a long prison sentence. Why should a gameshow be any different?

as the old proverb says, ‘Cheats never prosper.’ Cough cough!

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Major cheat: Charles Ingram facing his million pound question
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