Scottish Daily Mail



Saturn is often seen as the great teacher of the cosmos. It brings necessary discipline, care and prudence into our lives. Discretion can be the better part of valour. It’s always, for example, worth checking the brake pads before hurtling off at speed in a new direction. the weekend’s harmonious VenusSatur­n link reminded us of the value of life’s seatbelts. as we start to feel the immense power of the approachin­g Minor Grand trine, there’s value in being prepared for the powerful, new energy.

ARIES Mar 21 — Apr 20

‘IF YOU can keep your head when all about you / Are losing theirs and blaming it on you...’ Keep Rudyard Kipling’s famous words from If in mind this week. It might be bumpy from time to time, so it’s essential to find your core of calm. ‘If’ is a big word! But find that stillness, and there you will discover the viable answer to a pressing problem. With continuing help from Venus and Saturn and upcoming assistance from Venus and Mars, you can make a huge leap forwards, despite how confused things may appear. This week’s trine brings fresh inspiratio­n and hope for the future. For your four-minute guide to the week, call 0906 751 5601.

TAURUS Apr 21 — May 21

‘HORSES for courses’ is a saying that tells us that different people are suited to different things. You can stretch it to include places and moments, too. For example, a supermarke­t aisle might not be the best place to discuss family finances. Where are you trying to solve a difficulty in the wrong way, or by talking to the wrong people? Positive change is possible this week, thanks to the upcoming Venus-Mars-Neptune trine. But you need to be in the right place, with the right people, and with the right idea in mind. This week’s trine brings fresh inspiratio­n and hope for the future. For your four-minute guide to the week, call 0906 751 5602.

GEMINI May 22 — June 22

I DON’T profess to be deeply religious. But I have faith in humanity. You could be confused if you see me visit a new town, as I often make a trip to its cathedral. I like these beautiful buildings because they testify to what humankind can achieve, often using basic materials and modest tools. Don’t be pressured into believing that something can’t be done with the tools you have to hand. The upcoming trine with Venus and Mars says it can. Faith is your most valuable and sustainabl­e resource. This week’s trine brings fresh inspiratio­n and hope for the future. For your four-minute guide to the week, call 0906 751 5603.

CANCER June 23 — July 23

PLANNING ahead is to be applauded. But if you are looking only to the future, there’s a danger that you could miss the moment. If you say, ‘One day, I’ll...’ that’s OK. But if that is your daily mantra, something is wrong. The same applies if you are sacrificin­g your life for someone else. Fine, sometimes, but as a permanent set-up, that’s not so good. With the continuing benefit of the recent Venus-Saturn trine, try to enjoy today for itself and let your tomorrows look after themselves. This week’s trine brings fresh inspiratio­n and hope for the future. For your four-minute guide to the week, call 0906 751 5604.

LEO July 24 — Aug 23

I’D like to talk about negative attitudes. For any non-Leos who are reading this, it will be hard to believe. Aren’t Leos the optimistic ones with a can-do mentality? Yes — but not always. And if a series of poor outcomes have dented you recently, it’s natural to feel low. Fear not, though, the effects of the weekend’s Venus-Saturn trine are about to get another boost as Venus trines Mars and Neptune. The river is full of fish. Just make sure your net is out. Be patient, good times are coming back soon. This week’s trine brings fresh inspiratio­n and hope for the future. For your four-minute guide to the week, call 0906 751 5605.

VIRGO Aug 24 — Sep 23

GENIUS has been defined as ‘ten per cent inspiratio­n and 90 per cent perspirati­on’. But how much of the perspirati­on is the hot sweat of effort versus the cold sweat of worry? Fortunatel­y, though the path you’ve started on is long, it’s not as difficult as you may fear. You’ve been putting in the 90 per cent; now the Venus-Mars-Neptune trine is on hand to help with the ten per cent. Have faith in your ability to rise to the occasion when the chips are down — and try to enjoy playing the game. This week’s trine brings fresh inspiratio­n and hope for the future. For your four-minute guide to the week, call 0906 751 5606.

LIBRA Sep 24 — Oct 23

TIPSTERS have to take care with their prediction­s. There’s no such thing as a certainty. Sure, a horse with the best record and the finest jockey might be described as such. Your ruler’s recent trine with Saturn is about to be boosted by a similar configurat­ion with dynamic Mars. So you have the best jockey and the finest horse. That’s as near to a certainty as you can get. For races read ‘project’. The effect won’t last long, so pick your races carefully. Give it your all; success beckons. This week’s trine brings fresh inspiratio­n and hope for the future. For your four-minute guide to the week, call 0906 751 5607.

SCORPIO Oct 24 — Nov 22

ARE you confused when politician­s talk about ‘known unknowns’ and ‘unknown unknowns’? Me too! But right now, certain unknowns are making it difficult for you to succeed with a plan or project. The upcoming trine between Venus, Mars and Neptune gives you a chance to reappraise and restart. But you need a missing ingredient first — and there is only one way to find it: conversati­on. Normally, easy. But less so when Mercury is retrograde. So take care to find a trusted confidant and talk things over in depth. This week’s trine brings fresh inspiratio­n and hope for the future. For your four-minute guide to the week, call 0906 751 5608.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 23 — Dec 21

NOT all Sagittaria­ns are aware of the mixed feelings that they can evoke in others. When you fall, you seem always to land on your feet. Your non-Sagittaria­n friends can only look on with envy. But, for you, the view is different: why must your life be an exhausting series of near-misses and amazing triumphs? You may even crave stability, knowing that it might be a little dull. What you really need is a little respite. Such a time is here. Relax. There’s plenty of action coming soon. This week’s trine brings fresh inspiratio­n and hope for the future. For your four-minute guide to the week, call 0906 751 5609.

CAPRICORN Dec 22 — Jan 20

INTUITION. It’s a big deal — and you need to heed it. You might have been thinking about a project for weeks and feel the time to act is now. But has something been nagging at you? Act on that doubt. It may be a small change that’s needed — or that you haven’t considered one person’s perspectiv­e. We are not talking about a radical shift; a conversati­on may be all that’s needed. But as you have the benefit of the upcoming VenusMars-Neptune trine on your side, use the opportunit­y. Then you can progress. This week’s trine brings fresh inspiratio­n and hope for the future. For your four-minute guide to the week, call 0906 751 5610.

AQUARIUS Jan 21 — Feb 19

EVERYONE has these moments — when you feel all at sea. A part of your life has become a bit lacklustre. The solution is eluding you. I hesitate to use the word ‘boredom’; it fails to cover the routine nature of the issue. Only you know. But the cure for boredom is action and involvemen­t with others. With the benefit of the upcoming Venus-Mars-Neptune trine, there is no better time to shake yourself out of a trough. Do not wait. Decide on one positive action and make that move. Today! This week’s trine brings fresh inspiratio­n and hope for the future. For your four-minute guide to the week, call 0906 751 5611.

PISCES Feb 20 — Mar 20

IS THERE some task you have been avoiding, perhaps because it requires specialist knowledge? And is there a deadline looming? I thought so. That’s the problem with some jobs — even with such specialist help, they can be hard to understand. And with Mercury retrograde, it only adds to the complicati­on. But this week, you can cut through the jargon. You have a friend who can help. Don’t be afraid to ask for assistance. They, too, have need of help that only you can provide. This week’s trine brings fresh inspiratio­n and hope for the future. For your four-minute guide to the week call 0906 751 5612.

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