Scottish Daily Mail


- by Frances Hardy

They came in their thousands from the Caribbean to help rebuild post-war Britain. Today, after decades of paying taxes, they’re being denied NHS care and even threatened with deportatio­n. What a scandal in a country that can’t even kick out foreign criminals

YOu might imagine that Albert Thompson had reached his lowest ebb when, newly discharged from hospital after a cancer operation, he was evicted from his rented flat and forced to sleep on the streets.

But actually his life was to become even worse. Nine months later, arriving for his first NHS radiothera­py session following the removal of his prostate, he was told he was not entitled to free treatment at all, and would have to pay £54,000 ‘up front’ if he wanted the life-saving therapy.

He is a softly spoken man, slow to be riled, but today his quiet anger is mixed with disbelief. It is hard to exaggerate the escalating nightmare his life has become.

Albert has lived in London for 44 years. It is his home. For three decades he has worked, supporting a family, rising to become head mechanic for a string of garages, and training apprentice­s in his trade. Throughout, he dutifully paid his taxes.

But now, as he endures serious illness, not only is his right to healthcare being denied, but his eligibilit­y to remain in Britain — ‘the mother country’ as he calls it — is also being questioned.

The reason? The Home Office can find no record of Albert, 63, who was born in Jamaica, in its files. He lost the Caribbean passport he arrived in the uK with some years ago.

And without a British passport — which he’s never had and cannot now get because there is no documentar­y proof of his arrival here as a teenager in 1973 — landlords will not house him, and the NHS has told him that it will not give him further treatment.

This emerging scandal actually affects tens of thousands of people — many approachin­g retirement age — who arrived in the uK as children from the Caribbean.

Their parents were the so-called Windrush migrants (named after the ship that brought many of the first generation of workers to Britain from the West Indies in 1948).

The problem is surfacing now because of draconian new immigratio­n policies — designed to weed out over-stayers and others here illegitima­tely — which are inadverten­tly singling out innocent targets.

under rules implemente­d in 2012, in the absence of Home Office records, people have to provide one piece of documentar­y evidence — in the form of payslips, health cards or other recognised papers — for every year they have lived in Britain to prove their right to be here.

WITHOuT the appropriat­e paperwork — which few British citizens could provide — some are facing eviction from their homes, dismissal from jobs they’ve held for years, poverty, enforced detention and even deportatio­n.

There is a bitter irony in Albert Thompson’s situation. His mother, Marsha, moved to the uK from Jamaica in the Sixties at the invitation of the British government, to work as a nurse. Now, the care she gave unstinting­ly to others at the charitably funded Royal Hospital for Neuro-Disability in Putney, south west London, is being denied to her son.

He had surgery for prostate cancer in January last year, before NHS eligibilit­y rules were tightened, and was to begin radiothera­py at the Royal Marsden Hospital, London, last November.

But when he turned up for the appointmen­t he was met with hostility and suspicion.

‘I feel shocked, sad; abandoned, really,’ he told me this week. ‘You go to hospital and you expect to be treated, supported. You don’t expect them to turn you away.

‘I was sitting in a walkway waiting for my appointmen­t when an administra­tor gave me a form to fill out. It asked for my passport details and I couldn’t give them. I haven’t got a passport.

‘The lady queried this. She wasn’t sympatheti­c. I felt very embarrasse­d because she didn’t even take me into a private room.

‘She said you have to produce your passport or pay £54,000. I said: “Oh my God, I don’t have 54 pence, let alone £54,000.”

‘I was shocked. I thought I was going to pass out. I told her I’d been here all my adult life, that as far as I’m concerned I’m British, but it made no difference. She said it was the new rules. I started working in 1974 — I’ve always paid my taxes.

‘I’m trying to get help, trying to get my passport sorted out, but the Home Office say they can’t find any trace of me, so that is not going to happen overnight.

‘At present I’m left in limbo. It feels like I’ve been left to die because the job hasn’t been finished. I get depressed, stressed out, anxious.

‘I used to have a life, to work, to go out, enjoy myself. I had a nice car, a home. I went to the cinema, dancing. But that’s the past. I have to think about the present and it’s hard to come to terms with. I’ve got no money.

‘I’m very angry with the Government that I’m in this position. I’m here legally, but they’re asking me to prove I’m British.’ While Albert — a hard-working, law-abiding citizen — endures this litany of injustice, criminals smuggle illegal migrants over borders to the uK in their thousands.

Last month, an internatio­nal police operation smashed a network of 50 people accused of smuggling around 1,500 illegal immigrants from Albania into the uK.

The result of such porous borders is that an estimated one million people live in Britain illegally, with little prospect of any being deported.

European freedom of movement rules also mean that just about anyone from the Eu can come to this country with impunity.

As the Mail reported this week, a Romanian gangster called Adrian Preda, 36, convicted in his homeland of attempted murder, fled to the uK on bail. The legal bill for his successful appeal to remain in Britain was funded through the taxpayer via legal aid.

Scandalous­ly, that taxpayerfu­nded legal aid is not extended to those such as Albert Thompson and countless other

Commonweal­th migrants who have been paying taxes here for half a century.

Not only are they having to fight entirely legitimate cases against deportatio­n without state legal assistance: even if they are allowed to proceed with the naturalisa­tion process, they face a bill of around £1,200 to complete the applicatio­n. This is a sum that many simply cannot afford.

Research by the University of Oxford-based Migration Observator­y suggests up to 57,000 people could be affected. Yet they arrived lawfully in the UK from Commonweal­th countries, many before 1971 when migration laws were initially tightened, and never applied for British passports.

The 1971 Immigratio­n Act gave people who had already settled in Britain indefinite leave to remain, but 47 years on, finding documents to show you were here before then is easier said than done.

That’s why the Mail is today launching a campaign in support of such people. We believe there should be a lessening of the burden of proof for those who arrived here before 1971, and more flexibilit­y shown to those who, like Albert Thompson, have lived here and paid taxes for several decades but who were never naturalise­d.

After all, Albert is, to all intents and purposes, British. Although now divorced, he married here and has two grown-up sons — one working in local government, one in administra­tion in a county court — and a teenage daughter.

He worked full-time as a mechanic, including carrying out MOTs, until 2008 when he was diagnosed with the blood cancer lymphoma and an acute back problem; since when he has been too ill to work.

Then, last year, his problems worsened. He was evicted from his rented flat because his landlord wanted to sell it. Under new laws designed to create a ‘hostile’ environmen­t for illegal immigrants, tenants must now produce a British passport in order to rent accommodat­ion. As Albert — who has asked for his real name not to be printed on legal advice — does not have a passport, he could not find a home.

‘I had nowhere to go,’ he recalls. ‘It felt terrible. I was lost. For a while I stayed with friends. I didn’t want to worry my children, I didn’t tell them what had happened; I didn’t want them to be upset.

‘Then I was on the streets for three weeks. I had to beg for food. I felt ashamed. I just asked people in shops if they had anything spare.’

After three weeks, Albert had managed to secure a room through a homeless charity, St Mungo’s. He still lives in that modest accommodat­ion now. And his plight is not uncommon. Another such victim is Renford McIntyre, 64, who has been homeless for the past year, sleeping on a sofa in an unheated industrial unit in Dudley, West Midlands.

Renford has lived in the UK for almost 50 years since, aged 14 — before the 1971 cut-off — he arrived from Jamaica to join his mother, a nurse, and his father, a crane operator. Renford has worked and paid taxes, as a tool setter, a delivery man in the meat industry and an NHS driver.

Yet he, too, has now been told he is not British and consequent­ly can neither work nor be eligible for any Government support. Renford’s stable life disintegra­ted in 2014 when his employers, updating his paperwork, discovered he didn’t have a passport and had never secured a naturalisa­tion certificat­e in the UK, which would have meant he was officially British.

He was sacked immediatel­y, and without documentat­ion was not permitted to find new work. He spiralled into depression and then homelessne­ss.

Despite gathering written evidence that he has paid 35 years’ worth of National Insurance contributi­ons, he was deemed ineligible for emergency council housing because he had ‘no right’ to be in the country.

Neither is he permitted to sign on for benefits.

Although Renford has applied to the Home Office for the right to remain in the UK, it continues to be intransige­nt, insisting he has not provided adequate evidence of his entitlemen­t. Law centres and charities supporting vulnerable immigrants have noted a rise in such cases.

SALLY Daghlian, chief executive of London-based charity Praxis, which is supporting Albert Thompson, says: ‘It’s unfair and unjust. The Government has to take responsibi­lity and make sure there is a fair and fast system in place to support people in this position and sort out their paperwork to ensure their rights are recognised.

‘For those who’ve been here 40 or 50 years, it’s an impossible task,’ says Ms Daghlian.

‘Which of us keeps paperwork going back that far? They become homeless because they can’t prove they have a right to rent or work.

‘The situation is unbelievab­le. They’ve lived and worked here legally for decades.

‘It can take six months for the Home Office simply to respond to an inquiry, and if their answer then is “We don’t have a record of you”, people need support to go through the difficult detective work of finding the right documents.’

Hubert Howard, 61, is another victim. He arrived in Britain from Jamaica with his mother when he was three — around 1960 — has never lived anywhere else, and has spent his adult life working here and paying his taxes.

His difficulti­es began when, in 2005, he applied for a passport to visit his mother, who had retired to Jamaica and become seriously ill.

Hubert was perplexed to be told

by the Home Office that he had no entitlemen­t to a passport because he had not been naturalise­d as British.

He had not realised this was necessary. His mother died in 2006 without seeing her son.

But six years ago, his problems escalated. His employer, the Peabody Trust housing associatio­n, had to make him redundant because he was considered an illegal immigrant.

He says his mother took the passport he arrived on as a child in Britain back to the Caribbean.

His long, full employment history counted for nothing: he’d worked for British Rail maintenanc­e as a plumber and had paid tax all his working life.

ALTHOUGH he has tried to formalise his legal status with the Home Office — and had a verbal acknowledg­ement that he is entitled to stay in the UK — he remains concerned that without written assurance he is vulnerable to attempts to force him to leave.

His right to stay in the UK is enshrined in the law under the 1971 Immigratio­n Act. But he has struggled to gather the necessary documents to convince the Home Office that he arrived before the cut-off point.

Others like him have also come perilously close to crisis, which has been averted only at the eleventh hour.

Grandmothe­r Paulette Wilson, 61, a former cook who served food to MPs in the House of Commons, spent a week incarcerat­ed in Yarl’s Wood Immigratio­n Removal Centre in Bedford last October.

She was sent to Heathrow for deportatio­n to Jamaica, a country she has not visited since she was ten and where she has no surviving relatives.

Only a last-minute legal interventi­on, and a persistent campaign by her daughter, prevented her removal. She has now been granted a residency permit after having been here for 50 years.

Meanwhile, Albert Thompson still waits for the reprieve that could save his life. A spokespers­on from The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust said this week: ‘Mr Thompson continues to receive ongoing treatment under the care of his GP.

‘The specialist from the Royal Marsden has been in touch with Mr Thompson while his advisers assist him with eligibilit­y for further NHS treatment.

‘We do not anticipate any funding requiremen­ts at this stage as his lawyers are helping to conclude eligibilit­y.’

And Albert himself? ‘I know selfpraise is no recommenda­tion,’ he says, ‘but I think I’m a kind, honest, decent person. It takes a lot to make me angry, but I’m angry with the Home Office and the NHS. I’ve worked hard all my life. I don’t think I deserve this.’

To DONATE to a fund set up for albert Thompson’s cancer treatment, go to: cancer-care-for-albert-thompson

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 ??  ?? Shocked: Albert Thompson, and, above, Caribbean migrants arrive in England
Shocked: Albert Thompson, and, above, Caribbean migrants arrive in England

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