Scottish Daily Mail

SNP accused of ignoring £360million colleges repair bill

- By Katrine Bussey

‘Latest sorry failure from SNP’

MINISTERS have been accused of ‘refusing to pay’ a repair bill for Scotland’s colleges – as the costs soared to £360million.

The Scottish Government is being urged to devise a plan to make buildings wind and watertight after a report highlighte­d maintenanc­e that will be needed in the next five years.

The Scottish Funding Council (SFC) said almost £900million had been invested in college estate in the past decade but there is a backlog of repairs.

Bringing buildings ‘up to an acceptable condition’ would cost £360million, it added.

Scottish Labour claimed only £39.4million had been allocated for college maintenanc­e in 2018-19. Education spokesman Iain Gray said: ‘The SNP only plans to spend a fraction of what is needed. Refusing to pay this repair bill is just the latest sorry failure from the Government on further education.

‘The SNP must explain how it is going to give colleges the funds they need for urgent repairs.’

The Scottish Government said capital spending of £76.7million had been allocated to colleges for 2018-19 – up £29.3million on the previous year.

Further Education Minister Shirley-Anne Somerville said ‘upgrading and modernisin­g is required’ at some facilities.

She added: ‘It is my expectatio­n that the SFC and college sector use this report to effectivel­y prioritise the finite capital investment available and ensure resources are targeted to where they are needed.’

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