Scottish Daily Mail

How dance stars waltzed through a life of pure joy


There were seven of us born into an Orthodox Jewish family in the east end of London, three girls and four boys. Jack was the eldest. I was in the middle. There were six years between us.

When the war came, we were evacuated all over, and I went to live with a lovely family on the herefordsh­ire-Welsh border. Being older, Jack stayed in London through the Blitz and was there when our house was bombed. he made it to the air raid shelter, though. Our dad was one of the air raid wardens.

I idolised my dashing, handsome, big brother. he came to visit me a few times in Wales and I was so excited to see him. After the war, when I returned home, he took me to ballroom dancing classes. he’d sweep me round the floor, showing me the steps. Then, one day, this beautiful girl arrived. Jack fell in love with eve on sight. I can’t blame him. She was exquisite and a great dancer. She ended up in his arms, for good. I was peeved at the time, but they were destined to be together. Jack and eve went on to become ballroom dance champions, touring Britain doing the tango, foxtrot and the quickstep jive.

eve was a lovely woman who made all her gowns. She’d whip out her sewing machine and do all this intricate work.

They married in London in 1957 and had three boys. Jack did ever so well, working in Covent Garden in the vegetable trade. he was an expert in mushrooms, of all things.

In 1982, the family emigrated to the U.S. because Jack and eve wanted to give their sons all the opportunit­ies in the world. They started off in San Francisco and ended up in Phoenix, Arizona.

It always made Jack chuckle — going from the east end of London to the desert. he’d have gone anywhere as long as he was with eve, though.

They kept dancing. They were the life and soul of every party they went to. We have Scottish roots and when they went to social events they’d do the Gay Gordons. They also taught dance. They had a big house, and I remember waltzing with Jack round the rooms, like in the old days.

Jack died of colon cancer on New Year’s Day 2016. his sons titled his eulogy: ‘I could have danced all night.’ eve developed Alzheimer’s

disease and passed away two years later. Now they are together again and, I hope, still dancing up there.

Jack Lebby was born on November 17, 1929, and died on January 1, 2016, aged 86. eve Lebby was born on april 30, 1930, and died on February 7, 2018, aged 87.

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