Scottish Daily Mail

Greer: Harry and Meghan won’t last long ... she’s bolted before!

- By Rebecca English Royal Correspond­ent

SHE is not exactly known for speaking up in favour of marriage – or the Royal Family.

So veteran feminist Germaine Greer probably expected a hostile response when she claimed that Meghan Markle’s marriage to Prince Harry will be short-lived.

The 79-year-old Australian writer, a lifelong republican, predicted that divorcee Miss Markle would soon ‘bolt’ again. Miss Greer insinuated that the former actress, whom she wrongly claimed was born into poverty, was only marrying the Queen’s grandson for his money and that the Royal Family would have her ‘on her back immediatel­y’ to produce children.

Greer, whose 1970 book The Female Eunuch argued that the nuclear family represses women, said: ‘She will see vistas of boredom that are unbelievab­le. I think the pressure to escape from The Firm is crushing.

‘The Royal Family are awfully good at divorce. It’s nearly always a question of a non-royal running for the hills just to get away from the whole thing. It’s horrible, it’s anachronis­tic.’

Her outburst on Australian TV news programme 60 Minutes on Sunday night sparked immediate criticism. One royal watcher said of Miss Greer on Twitter: ‘A staunch republican that has lived in the UK for the past 55 years! Give me a break! Meghan seems like a strong independen­t woman who clearly made her own decision.’

Others said ‘Greer is just a miserable old harridan’ and ‘No ceremony is properly complete without Mad Old Auntie saying “I give it six months”’.

Royal biographer Ingrid Seward said: ‘A lot of the older generation are saying the same thing. That she won’t last, she won’t be able to take it.

‘I really disagree with that. Meghan is 36 and with a career and life experience under her belt.

Miss Seward, editor-in-chief of Majesty magazine, added: ‘She might find it very difficult at times, of course. No one can understand what it is like to be part of the Royal Family, with all the pressures that come with it, unless you are actually there.

‘But she will stick it out. She is bright, intelligen­t and she and Harry and very clearly in love.’

In the interview, Miss Greer made a clear reference to Miss Markle’s failed marriage to film produce Trevor Engelson, saying waspishly: ‘I think she’ll bolt. She bolted before, she was out the door.’ Miss Markle and Mr Engelson dated for seven years before they married in 2011, just as her career was taking off. Within two years, however, they divorced.

Asked why the actress would give up everything unless she was sure the relationsh­ip with Harry would last, Miss Greer smiled and remarked: ‘Why would a girl born in poverty marry a man worth 53 million quid? I can’t think of a single reason.’

In fact Miss Markle’s father was an award-winning Hollywood lighting director and she grew up in a well-todo suburb of Los Angeles where she attended a prestigiou­s private school.

Miss Greer, who once dismissed Diana, Princess of Wales, as ‘needy’ and ‘too dependent on the love of men’, rejected Miss Markle’s claim to be a feminist and also spoke disparagin­gly about the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge’s impending baby and whether the Duke of Edinburgh’s funeral would be this year.

‘No one wants Meghan’s children, they’re going to be eighth, ninth in the line of succession,’ she said, but added grudgingly: ‘Let’s hope they’re in love.’

A TOP divorce lawyer who represente­d Princess Diana claims the secret to marital bliss is to sign a prenuptial agreement.

Sandra Davis told Radio Times: ‘It avoids grief further down the line – and cost! You wouldn’t employ a builder for an extensive renovation without a contract. This is the most important contract of your lives.’

Miss Davis, head of family law at Mishcon de Reya, said the secret to a good marriage is ‘honest and open communicat­ion… I think marriage is something you have to work at every day’.

She said she would insist on her sons, aged 28 and 26, having prenuptial agreements ahead of their weddings.

‘Royals are awfully good at divorce’

 ??  ?? Outburst: Germaine Greer on TV
Outburst: Germaine Greer on TV

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