Scottish Daily Mail


- Interview by LUCY ELKINS

RETIRED delivery driver John Starbrook, from Surrey, is about to run his 32nd London Marathon, at the age of 87. John, a father of three, who has four grandchild­ren and is married to Judy, 79, hopes to finish the race in six-and-a-half hours — the same time he managed two years ago. DURING the race, people ask me how old I am as they run past and I say: ‘I’m 75.’

I don’t want their sympathy and I certainly don’t think my age has got anything to do with my ability to run the marathon.

I did my first one in 1983, when I was 53, in five-and-a-quarter hours and found it so tough that, straight afterwards, I said: ‘I’ll never do that again.’ But, within a week, I had signed up to the 1984 marathon and have carried on ever since.

Since turning 70, I go to the doctor each year to check I’m OK to enter.

I missed last year’s race, as I had a stroke at Christmas 2016 and, although I was back running a month later, I wasn’t fit enough to take part.

Six-and-half-hours is a long time for me to be on my feet, but I’m lucky that I’ve got no aches and pains, and my knees and ankles are fine.

Training for me is two-hour runs five times a week. Yes, running on your own during training can be lonely, but the actual race is fun; there’s always something going on and lots of folk running in fancy dress.

My secret? I do eat a good diet, thanks to Judy — she makes sure I eat green veg, rather than curry — I don’t smoke and only have the odd beer. I’ve never been overweight; I’m 12st and 5 ft 11 in.

Everyone is amazed that I carry on. I really enjoy it and I help raise money for good causes — this year I’m fund-raising for Age UK. It gives me the incentive I need to keep going.

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