Scottish Daily Mail

Mother suffered 16 miscarriag­es . . . to give her son a brother

- By Liz Hull

DEBRA Cowgill always knew her son would have a little brother or sister – one day.

So determined was she to have a second child that she endured 16 miscarriag­es over ten years. And still she kept on trying.

But now her family is complete. Earlier this month she gave birth to Taylor-Ray, a healthy baby boy.

Mrs Cowgill, 33, had already had two miscarriag­es while trying for her eldest, Corey, now ten, with husband Darren, 40.

But despite the heartache of losing another 16 babies over the following decade, the couple never doubted they would get their ‘perfect’ family.

‘It was always so difficult, going back for a scan to be told there was no heartbeat time and time again,’ Mrs Cowgill said. ‘But I never gave up hope. Corey would ask every day about having a brother or sister, he kept us both going through the hard times. It was for him just as much as us.

‘I come from a family of seven and always loved having my brothers and sisters around. I wanted that for Corey too.

‘We were always really open with Corey and told him the truth as it was important for him to see that we weren’t giving up and that these things happen – they are no one’s fault.

‘We don’t regret that we kept trying because things happen for a reason and now we have the perfect family.’

The couple, from Earby, Lancashire, had tried repeatedly for a second child after Corey’s birth in 2008. However, Mrs Cowgill struggled to keep her babies beyond 15 weeks in her pregnancie­s.

Doctors could not explain why she kept miscarryin­g but last year suggested she improve her chances by having a dilation and curettage procedure – a D&C – to remove any abnormal tissue in her womb.

Taylor-Ray was finally born weighing 6lb4oz on May 2 at Burnley General Hospital. ‘Feeling the baby kick for the first time was so reassuring,’ Mrs Cowgill, whose husband works for a bed company, said. ‘It made me believe it was actually happening and hearing his heartbeat at 14 weeks was so very emotional.’

And of course, when it came to the birth, Corey was first to visit his mother’s bedside. ‘He is great with his little brother and is almost like the third parent,’ she said. ‘The only thing we can’t get him to do is to change a nappy.’

‘Now we have the perfect family’

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 ??  ?? So proud: Corey cradles his little brother
So proud: Corey cradles his little brother

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