Scottish Daily Mail

Join the marathon effort to make UK litter-free


IT’S been so inspiring to see so many concerned men, women and children taking part in the Mail’s Great Plastic Pick Up across the country. As a veteran marathon runner, I train five or six days a week, clocking up thousands of miles in a year. And almost every time I hit the road I pick up litter that has been casually thrown away. Plastic bottles, booze and soft drinks cans, crisp packets, sweet wrappers, cardboard, takeaway debris — you name it, I’ve picked it up while on the run. I deposit this litter in the nearest bin or take it home in a bid to clean up our paths, roads and fields. I live in an attractive market town surrounded by stunning, rolling countrysid­e that made this a green and pleasant land. But days after clearing one of my regular running routes of rubbish, I’ll be repeating the same process. Ditches and verges are being choked by bottles and cans mindlessly hurled out of passing cars. I’ve seen everything from mattresses to settees fly-tipped on the side of roads by louts who couldn’t care less. As well as taking direct action, I also phone the local council ‘cleansing officer’ to warn him of litter black spots while also appealing for more bins. The battle to defend, protect and conserve our precious environmen­t and wildlife is one we must not lose. I urge every responsibl­e citizen to do their bit. If we all pick up just one bottle, can or plastic bag every day, it will help to prevent our glorious country turning into a massive rubbish tip.

RED WILLIAMS, Market Harborough, Leics.

 ??  ?? Cleaning up: Red Williams shows off his medal after competing in the Windermere marathon in May
Cleaning up: Red Williams shows off his medal after competing in the Windermere marathon in May

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