Scottish Daily Mail

Every little minute’s silence helps


ZOOKEEPERS in Bristol have discovered that a six-year-old gorilla called Kukena they thought was male is, in fact, female. Why has it taken them six years to find out? Or has the trans madness spread to the animal kingdom, encouragin­g Kukena to identify as female? And will others now come forward? Stand by for Whipsnade’s first gender-fluid giraffe. A MINUTE’S silence was held outside Islington Town Hall this week to mark the first anniversar­y of the terror attack at Finsbury Park Mosque.

One man died and nine people were injured after a Far-Right headbanger drove a hired van into a crowd of worshipper­s. It is perfectly understand­able that the community would want to hold an appropriat­e commemorat­ion.

But, yet again, there were attempts to coerce others to pay their respects. Mail reader Ian Jenkins writes to say that he was wandering round Tesco in Hereford on Tuesday lunchtime when an announceme­nt came over the PA system asking shoppers to stand and observe a minute’s silence for Finsbury Park, too. Needless to say, no one took any notice. There’s a time and place for everything. But a minute’s silence for a year-old attack in Finsbury Park? In Tesco? In Hereford? IT HAS become de rigueur for every new Home Secretary to be filmed going out on patrol with the police. So it was inevitable that we would be treated to pictures of Sajid Javid climbing into the back of a patrol car. To complete the image, he was kitted out in a stab vest. given all the backstabbi­ng in the Tory Party, he’d be well advised to wear it under his suit.

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