Scottish Daily Mail

MPs want a UK ban on the ‘habit’ of eating dogs

(Even though charity says it has never happened in this country)

- By Daniel Martin Policy Editor

MPs have demanded a ban on the eating of dog meat – even though a pet charity says there is no evidence it happens in this country.

They have backed a campaign by an internatio­nal canine pressure group to have the ‘disgusting habit’ made illegal.

And Downing street promised to ‘look closely’ at new Us legislatio­n introducin­g a total ban on the import, trade and consumptio­n of dog meat.

But the RsPCA said it had never received a report of anyone eating a dog in Britain.

Dogs are eaten in several Far Eastern countries, often in the belief the flesh is a health tonic.

In the UK, there are already laws making the commercial trade in dog meat illegal. However, campaigner­s are calling for tighter controls, as neither the killing of dogs to eat nor consumptio­n of dog meat is currently outlawed.

The Hong Kong-based World Dog Alliance said it believed the practice was being spread in Britain thanks to immigratio­n from the Far East.

It added: ‘It is unfortunat­e to see dog meat consumptio­n being legal in the UK.

‘The WDA believes a legal ban on eating dog meat would allow the UK to continue to have a global-leading role in the field of animal protection, especially after the UK leaves the EU.’

WDA spokesman Kike Yuen said: ‘In the Us, people who eat dog meat are mainly immigrants from Asia. With 3million immigrants from East Asia in the UK, we cannot deny this situation exists here too.

‘We also believe legislatio­n against dog meat in the UK would provide us with strength to conwould tinue our work in Asia, as the UK could influence other countries to stop dog meat consumptio­n.

‘Most of them usually refused to do so with the excuse that there is no such law in Western countries.’

Foreign Office minister sir Alan Duncan said a ban on dog meat be ‘absolutely right’. He added: ‘There is no need in the modern world for this disgusting habit. We should nip it in the bud now to make sure the practice never takes off here.

‘A civilised country is decent to animals, so let’s be fully decent here.’

Lisa Cameron, chairman of the all-party parliament­ary group on dog welfare, said: ‘We are urging the Government to bring in this ban. We want to send out a strong message that people don’t want to see it here in the UK.’

Theresa May’s spokesman said ministers would look at a recent decision by the Us Congress to ban the practice.

He added: ‘Britain is a nation of animal lovers and we continue to have some of the highest animal welfare standards in the world. We wish to maintain that.’

However, the RsPCA said there was no evidence of dog eating in the UK.

‘It is illegal to sell dog meat to the public in the UK,’ a spokesman said. ‘There are also no abattoirs that have a licence to kill dogs and it would be against slaughter and animal welfare legislatio­n, too.

‘so while dog meat eating is not specifical­ly banned here, these laws mean there is effectivel­y a ban on the practice.

‘The RsPCA has no evidence that dog meat eating is on the rise in the UK, nor have we ever recorded any reports on this issue. While we do not believe it happens here, we continue to monitor the situation.’

‘A nation of animal lovers’

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