Scottish Daily Mail

Dear Coco Pops, don’t be sexist … daddies can make breakfast too!

- By Tom Payne

CONSIDERIN­G her father prepares her breakfast much of the time, ten-year-old Hannah-Marie Clayton was not impressed that the cereal box on her table carried a slogan referring only to mothers.

So the schoolgirl wrote to Kellogg’s suggesting the packaging for its Coco Pops was sexist and that it should change the line ‘Loved by kids, approved by mums’ because ‘men are also able to make breakfast’.

Now the cereal giant has replied to the Year 6 pupil, agreeing to change the wording to: ‘Approved by parents.’

Hannah-Marie said: ‘My mum was away so I was just with my dad when I saw it on the cereal box. It made me think that dads should be included as well because they are important too. Also, some people don’t have a mum and they might find it upsetting.’

She spoke to her parents James, 47, and Anne-Marie, 48, about the slogan and they suggested she write to the company.

Her handwritte­n note said: ‘I feel that quote is sexist, men are also able to make

‘We shouldn’t just rely on women’

breakfast. My dad does it a lot for me because my mum works away a lot and is not always there for breakfast.

‘I would recommend instead of putting “mums”, put parents or carers. It would just mean a small change. In this world today we shouldn’t just rely on women.’

She received a reply from Kellogg’s saying: ‘You recently shared your thoughts around the statement of “Approved by mums” on our Coco Pops. I wanted to let you know that we’ve recently renewed our research and our new pack design will refer to approval from both mums and dads.

‘Apologies for any offence caused and thank you for your feedback, which has played a part in our decision.’

Mrs Clayton, an airline cabin crew leader from Bournemout­h, Dorset, said: ‘HannahMari­e does voice her opinions and asks questions about why things are done in a certain way. When she said she thought the quote on the box was sexist we asked her why. She felt strongly that the “Approved by mums” label should include dads, or even grandparen­ts and carers, so I told her if she wanted to make a change she should write to Kellogg’s. I provided the stamps and we looked up the address for the customer services team online and she just got on with it.

‘When we got home from holiday and found a reply, Hannah-Marie was absolutely delighted. She’s not an openly emotional child but she had a very big smile on her face. James and I are both very proud of her, as she’s only ten.

‘I hope it shows her you can make a difference – no matter how big or small – if you voice an opinion, even to a large corporatio­n like Kellogg’s.’

A spokesman for the firm said: ‘We have now changed the wording on our packs to say “Approved by parents”.’

The new packs should appear in shops in November.

 ??  ?? Change: Hannah-Marie with the old Coco Pops and, right, the new slogan she helped inspire
Change: Hannah-Marie with the old Coco Pops and, right, the new slogan she helped inspire

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