Scottish Daily Mail

Melania: I support MeToo … if there’s good evidence

- From Daniel Bates in New York

MELANIA Trump says she supports the MeToo movement – as long as there is ‘really hard evidence’ against men who are being accused.

The First Lady, 48, said ‘I stand with women’ – and backed the unmasking of sexual predators in the wake of the Harvey Weinstein scandal. In her first in-depth interview, Mrs Trump said women who claim to have been attacked ‘need to be heard’. But she qualified that by saying men need ‘support’ and women ‘cannot just say to somebody “I was sexually assaulted”’.

The full interview, airing tomorrow night on US network ABC News, gives hints of how she feels about allegation­s of sexual misconduct against her husband Donald. Ex-porn star Stormy Daniels claims she had an affair with the President and more than a dozen women say he sexually harassed them.

Asked about the MeToo movement, the First Lady, who has a 12-year-old son with her husband, told ABC News during her first solo foreign trip in Kenya: ‘I support the women and they need to be heard.

‘We need to support them and also men, not just women.’ ABC’s Tom Llamas asked: ‘Have men in the news who have been accused of sexual assault been treated unfairly?’ Mrs Trump said: ‘You need to have really hard evidence, if you’re accused of something, show the evidence.’

Mr Llamas asked: ‘People might hear that and say, how can you say that, you need to stand with women?’ Mrs Trump became agitated and said: ‘I do stand with women but we need to show the evidence.’

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