Scottish Daily Mail

Pope: Abortion like hiring a killer

- By Mario Ledwith

POPE Francis has compared abortion to hiring a hitman, likening the procedure to ‘eliminatin­g’ an enemy.

Speaking at his weekly audience in St Peter’s Square, Pope Francis said: ‘Getting rid of a human being is like resorting to a contract killer to solve a problem.

‘Is it just to resort to a contract killer to solve a problem? Interrupti­ng a pregnancy is like eliminatin­g someone.’

The comments hint at a shift in position, with many believing the 81-year-old had softened the Church’s opposition to abortion.

But yesterday he said abortion shows a ‘contradict­ory approach to life [that] allows the suppressio­n of human life in the mother’s womb to safeguard other values’.

‘How can an act that suppresses an innocent and helpless life as it blossoms be therapeuti­c, civil or, simply, humane?’ he added.

Abortion has been legal in Italy for 40 years but the practice is still shrouded in controvers­y in the country, with far-Right groups pushing to ban the procedure.

In June, Pope Francis denounced abortion as the ‘white glove’ equivalent of the Nazi-era eugenics programme and urged families to accept the children given to them by God.

Sarah Cartin, of Christians for Choice, said yesterday: ‘Pope Francis once again shows complete disdain for women by making absurd and inflammato­ry statements about abortion.’

Kerry Abel, of Abortion Rights, said: ‘These comments are disappoint­ing and out of touch.’

Clare Murphy, of abortion provider BPAS, said: ‘The language he uses is inflammato­ry and inaccurate. Comparing abortion with contract killing is a ludicrous analogy.’

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