Scottish Daily Mail



AS MY wife was putting our four-year-old to bed recently, she told him: ‘you’re my favourite person in the whole world. and Daddy’s my second favourite.’ He replied: ‘you’re my favourite person, Mummy. and Daddy’s friend graham is my second favourite.’ luckily, after some negotiatio­n, my wife secured me equal top-billing, proving the old adage about friends in high places! Following Mercury’s opposition with Uranus, retrograde Venus’s link with Mars means there’s no need to accept opening offers today.

ARIES Mar 21 — Apr 20

THEY say ‘a little of what you fancy does you good’, and, since it goes without saying that we love doing things that make us happy, it’s not surprising we don’t like being told these things might be bad for us. Indeed, we often seem to think a lot of what we fancy is beneficial. As your ruler links with Venus, rather than focusing on what could go wrong, or setting your sights on achieving the impossible, you can just allow what needs to happen to happen. Trust and you’ll see a positive outcome. With the planets aligning in positive and powerful positions, you can maximise their effect on your life. Call 0906 751 5601.

TAURUS Apr 21 — May 21

YOUR concerns fluctuate about a certain plan working out, depending on the height of your expectatio­ns. Most of the time, if you want to avoid feeling disappoint­ed, it’s wisest to set them to low. Yet as Venus and Mars connect, they bring a reassuring burst of energy that invites you to put your faith in the potential for a very positive outcome. If you believe in yourself, the cosmos will not only reflect that confidence, it will give you reason to gain more. Stay open-minded and move forward today. With the planets aligning in positive and powerful positions, you can maximise their effect on your life. Call 0906 751 5602.

GEMINI May 22 — June 22

WHAT makes you stand out from the crowd? I know that’s not an easy question to answer. Yet it would be immensely valuable if you were able to stand back and recognise what is wonderfull­y apparent to everyone else. You’re uniquely you. No one on the planet can be who you are or lead your life. Yes, you have points in common with some of your fellow humans. And you probably have characteri­stics you’d like to change. But you are one of a kind. Today brings reasons to celebrate that. With the planets aligning in positive and powerful positions, you can maximise their effect on your life. Call 0906 751 5603.

CANCER June 23 — July 23

ANCIENT myths and legends tell stories of gods who watch over us mere mortals. They need appeasing and pleasing and, when shown enough respect and reverence, will scupper the plans of enemies and keep us safe. These days, it’s hard to imagine deities scrapping over the minutiae of human rivalries. Yet because you’ve been faced with a line of challenges recently, you’ve begun to wonder if you’ve offended an important immortal. Soon, you’ll wonder what you’ve done to please them! With the planets aligning in positive and powerful positions, you can maximise their effect on your life. Call 0906 751 5604.

LEO July 24 — Aug 23

IN ORDER to move from the ground into the sky, most planes need a long straight run and a lot of speed. If you didn’t understand the process, it would look crazy. Why is that large object with little wheels powering along a thin track? Ah! Then the heavy, cumbersome metal object achieves enough upward lift to fly as it moves into a different medium. Likewise, in your life, you feel as if you’re putting a lot of energy into a laboursome project. Yet you’re about to stretch your wings and take off. With the planets aligning in positive and powerful positions, you can maximise their effect on your life. Call 0906 751 5605.

VIRGO Aug 24 — Sep 23

SOME things that are right don’t feel right. From past experience, you understand that difficult scenarios can sometimes develop into positive life events. And vice versa: sometimes, something that feels very right, when we’re in the middle of it, can turn out to be very wrong. That’s all well and good, but right now it’s hard to feel OK when you’re not happy with the situation that’s going on around you. Your emotional intelligen­ce is highlighti­ng a problem that needs to be investigat­ed. You’ll know what to do. With the planets aligning in positive and powerful positions, you can maximise their effect on your life. Call 0906 751 5606.

LIBRA Sep 24 — Oct 23

YOU’RE feeling pretty confident that you know what you’re doing and where you need to go. Yet, following Mercury’s departure from your sign, don’t be too surprised if a developmen­t that seems to have come out of nowhere changes your perspectiv­e on an issue that you felt certain about. You won’t need to change your plans completely, but you may need to squeeze something else into your packed timetable. It’s a good job you’re so well prepared. You can handle this. With the planets aligning in positive and powerful positions, you can maximise their effect on your life. Call 0906 751 5607.

SCORPIO Oct 24 — Nov 22

IT’S truly extraordin­ary how something that seems crystal clear to some people leaves others unconvince­d. Climate change is an example. Is it our most pressing concern or just the Earth doing what it always does? One group of people thinks we need to take action to avert a catastroph­e, while the other believes we should just get on with our lives. Opinion is an extraordin­ary thing. When it comes to decisions in your life, rather than being influenced by others, follow your own truth today. With the planets aligning in positive and powerful positions, you can maximise their effect on your life. Call 0906 751 5608.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 23 — Dec 21

THE best thing to do with a secret is to tuck it away in a warm, snug, cosy place. If it doesn’t feel comfortabl­e, it will make a break and try to escape. Yet secrets don’t like to be locked away in dark places either. They need just enough air so they don’t stagnate. They also like to be acknowledg­ed from time to time, and considered with care. If there’s a shred of guilt attached, you can guarantee the secret will, at some point, be revealed. Don’t let something that’s been hushed up stay hidden. With the planets aligning in positive and powerful positions, you can maximise their effect on your life. Call 0906 751 5609.

CAPRICORN Dec 22 — Jan 20

ONCE upon a time, things were very different in all our lives. When we look back, we can see how much has changed between then and now. Change is a reality in all our lives. Although this is dramatical­ly demonstrat­ed when we think of technologi­cal advances, on a more subtle, yet equally important level, it’s happening on a moment-by-moment basis in our lives. Your world isn’t quite the same as it was when you began reading this! This week, you’re being brought up to date in a very lovely way. With the planets aligning in positive and powerful positions, you can maximise their effect on your life. Call 0906 751 5610.

AQUARIUS Jan 21 — Feb 19

SOME folk seem to be happy only when they’ve got something to be miserable about. They seek out things to complain about, even creating problems where they don’t exist. It’s not always easy to look beyond the difficulti­es we face. Sometimes it seems as if we have to look far ahead to set our sights on something we can look forward to, delight in and be in awe of. Yet following your ruler’s link to Mercury, despite what the people around you are settling for, you can reach for the best. With the planets aligning in positive and powerful positions, you can maximise their effect on your life. Call 0906 751 5611.

PISCES Feb 20 — Mar 20

STANDING on a tightrope and juggling takes a lot of energy and technique. Not only does it require a high level of physical fitness — it’s the concentrat­ion needed that’s most exhausting. No wonder you feel tempted to let go of some of the metaphoric­al weights you’re carrying. Yet there’s a high chance that you’ll be able to pass some of your load into the hands of someone with specialist expertise. Then you’ll be able to move around with agility. The pressure you’ve been under has taught you many skills. With the planets aligning in positive and powerful positions, you can maximise their effect on your life. Call 0906 751 5612.

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