Scottish Daily Mail

Are they nuts? Bakery’s gingerbrea­d men are turned into ‘ginger persons’

- By Chris Brooke

A FAMILY bakery has been criticised for selling ‘ginger persons’ instead of gingerbrea­d men.

The decision to rebrand the traditiona­l biscuit has gone down badly with traditiona­lists.

An image of ‘ginger persons’ on sale at the Thomas the Baker shop in York at a price of four for £1.20 was shared thousands of times online and provoked a heated debate.

One Twitter user said: ‘What is going on in the world they’ve always been GINGERBREA­D MEN now they’re called “Gingerbrea­d persons” the world has officially gone NUTS.’

Another wrote: ‘What on earth is our world coming too? They have always been gingerbrea­d men!’ Others blamed ‘feminists’ and ‘snowflakes’ for the genderneut­ral change.

The family bakery has been in operation for almost 0 years and now has 30 shops in Yorkshire and the surroundin­g areas.

All its shops sell ‘ginger persons’ rather than gingerbrea­d men and the company said this had been the case for 35 years.

Responding on Twitter, Thomas the Baker said: ‘Sorry to disappoint you all – they have been Ginger Persons since 1983! It was chosen by one of our managers in York and the name stuck. We did get a complaint from trading standards in the 80s that we were discrimina­ting against ginger haired people - seriously!!’

 ??  ?? ‘You can’t catch me, I’m the non-binary gingerbrea­d person’
‘You can’t catch me, I’m the non-binary gingerbrea­d person’

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