Scottish Daily Mail


Obama, the Clintons, an ex-CIA chief and top Democrats sent explosives in post

- From Tom Leonard and Daniel Bates in New York

A TERROR campaign against high profile opponents of Donald Trump was feared to be under way last night, after ‘explosive devices’ were sent to Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

At least six almost identical devices, which look like small pipe bombs wired to a timer detonator, have so far been sent to Democrat politician­s or former Obama officials who have criticised the Trump administra­tion.

Other targets included Mr Obama’s CIA chief John Brennan – sent to the New York headquarte­rs of broadcaste­r CNN where he is a regular commentato­r – and ex-Attorney General Eric Holder.

Another suspicious package was sent to Democrat congresswo­man Maxine Waters in California but was intercepte­d at a congressio­nal sorting office.

On Monday, a similar device was sent to the New York home of the billionair­e George Soros, a major Democratic donor.

None of them exploded and most never got close to their targets. However, law enforcemen­t officials said at least some of them had contained real explosives.

Nobody has yet claimed responsibi­lity for the campaign which New York mayor Bill de Blasio said was ‘clearly an act of terror’.

Democrats were quick to point out that all the intended recipients were the targets of Right-wing conservati­ves and conspiracy theorists who have frequently been egged on by President Trump.

Critics of Mr Trump said that those sent packages are all favourite targets for his vitriol on Twitter and at rallies.

At an event last night Mr Trump described the attempted attacks as ‘despicable acts’.

During a meeting with military leaders at the White House, the president said: ‘As we speak, packages are being inspected. We will spare no resources or expense in this effort.’ He added: ‘In these times we have to unify, we have to come together.’

Earlier, Vice President Mike Pence wrote on Twitter that the ‘cowardly actions are despicable and have no place in this country’. Mr Trump posted back: ‘I agree wholeheart­edly!’

A White House spokesman added: ‘Our condemnati­on of these despicable acts certainly includes threats made to CNN as well as current or former public servants.

‘These cowardly acts are unacceptab­le and won’t be tolerated.’

The Secret Service said the package addressed to Mrs Clinton was discovered near the home she shares with her ex-president husband Bill Clinton in Chappaqua, New York, on Tuesday evening.

Hours later on Wednesday morning, another package addressed to Mr Obama’s Washington DC home was also intercepte­d.

Mrs Clinton was campaignin­g in Florida at the time but Mr Clinton was at home. Mrs Clinton yesterday blamed the attempted attacks on the ‘deep divisions’ in America.

‘This is a troubling time, a time of deep divisions and we have to do everything we can to bring our country together,’ she said.

A spokesman for Mr Obama declined to comment.

Former presidents continue to be protected by the Secret Service after they have left office and their mail is opened in an off-site facility away from their home.

‘The packages were immediatel­y identified during routine mail screening procedures as potential explosive devices and were appropriat­ely handled as such,’ the Secret Service said of the devices sent to the Clinton and Obama homes.

‘The protectees did not receive the packages nor were they at risk of receiving them.’

In Manhattan, the Time Warner skyscraper and a neighbouri­ng street were evacuated and closed off after the package addressed to Mr Brennan was found in the postroom of CNN. It contained a suspicious white powder.

The broadcaste­r has become the favourite media bete noire of Mr Trump, who regularly accuses the news channel of bias in speeches and on Twitter.

CNN Worldwide President Jeff Zucker said last night that there was a ‘total and complete lack of understand­ing’ at the White House about the seriousnes­s of their attacks on the media.

‘The President, and especially the White House Press Secretary, should understand their words matter,’ said Mr Zucker.

‘Thus far, they have shown no comprehens­ion of that.’

The bomber put a return address on the padded manila envelope sent to Democrat congresswo­man Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

One of the packages – intended for Eric Holder but incorrectl­y addressed – was redirected to her, resulting in the evacuation of her offices in Sunrise, Florida.

The device sent to Mr Soros’ mansion home in the affluent community of Bedford outside New York City was discovered in the postbox.

The caretaker became suspicious and left the package unopened in a wooded area before alerting the police.

The Soros device, built from a six-inch length of pipe filled with explosive powder, was detonated by bomb squad technician­s.

The devices could have been activated either by remote control, by time delay or as soon as they were opened, it was speculated. According to some reports they all contained a common flaw.

One theory is that the bombs are part of an intimidati­on campaign targeting prominent Democrats and other critics of President Trump just two weeks before the midterm elections.

The sender of the devices attempted to camouflage his or her identity, sticking stamps on at least one package which American mail officials believe was delivered by hand.

Investigat­ors are understood to have already discovered the state from where the devices were sent thanks to the US mails service’s policy of photograph­ing packages while they are in transit.

The devices were also covered heavily in tape which could provide fingerprin­ts.

‘Despicable cowardly acts’

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