Scottish Daily Mail

Blind date

Charming and attentive, he didn’t put a foot wrong


Every week, we send a couple out on a blind date. this week, anthony Barr Ward, 76, had lunch at et alia in Chester with Joan lane, 73.

anthony is a retired sales manager who is divorced and lives in Wigton, Cumbria. Joan has been married twice, is now divorced and lives in Worcester. She has two daughters.


I hate being late with a passion, so I made sure I was early for the date. I was seated when anthony arrived, even though he was quite early himself. he approached the table smiling and the date was lovely and comfortabl­e from then on.

My friends and family would say I am friendly, funny, loyal — and a bit talkative. So it was funny to meet anthony, who could talk as much as me. he is such an interestin­g man, who has travelled and done so much, and there was never a quiet moment.

he was well-dressed and attentive, which I liked, and quite flirty!

I would just love to meet someone ‘nice’, but it’s amazing how hard that can be. I’m looking for someone with a sense of humour, who is kind and enjoys meals out and the theatre. It doesn’t seem like a lot to ask.

Still, I haven’t dated properly in years. On my last date, I realised he had lied on his online profile about his age and height (I’m 5 ft 11 in, so it’s important). I don’t know why people do that, because it’s not as if you won’t find out.

I’ve now let my dating website account lapse. I’ve decided that if my Prince Charming is out there, he’ll have to come and find me!

So I was proud of myself for doing this date. I was very nervous — I was chatting so much, the poor taxi driver who took me from the railway station knew my life story by the time I got out.

I was widowed at 45, and remarried at 65, but we separated nearly three years ago. I’ve had a couple of bad experience­s in the past and I told anthony about these so he knew where I was coming from. he was so easy to talk to and really put me at ease.

We are very alike and even ordered the same food. the restaurant was amazing, with a stunning view of the river.

We shared personal stories from our past, as well as laughing about more general topics. like anthony, I love the countrysid­e. I’m really active and do a 5km walk once a week.

I enjoy reading and am a member of a charity that supplies knitted items for premature babies, the homeless and people with dementia. I’m very proud of that and it gives me a great deal of fulfilment. after the meal, anthony offered to drive me to the zoo where my daughter and grandson were spending the afternoon. I felt very comfortabl­e getting in the car with him and was grateful for the lift.

When I told my daughters I was going on this date, I think they secretly got together to make sure I wouldn’t go alone, so my older daughter came with me on the train. It was nice that anthony got to meet her and she thought he was very charming. I think my daughters are happy to see me dating, although they are protective of me. anthony and I exchanged numbers and emails and have been in touch a little already — I sent him a picture of my large glass of gin and tonic when I got home!

I thoroughly enjoyed his company, but I do wonder if the logistics would be an issue. We would always have to organise something, rather than just meet casually, as we live hours apart.

But I try to take each day as it comes and make the most of it. I’m 73 and feel there is still so much more out there that I want to do, see and experience. It would be much more fun sharing it with someone. LIKED? he was funny, polite and made me feel at ease. In fact, he didn’t put a foot wrong. REGRETS? none. COFFEE OR CAB? Coffee.

Verdict: 10/10 ANTHONY, 76, SAYS:

I haven’t been on a blind date since my student days, so I was really excited about it, and Joan sounded absolutely wonderful.

I tried to be early and arrived about 15 minutes before I was due, but Joan was already there. We were obviously both keen.

I thought she was very goodlookin­g. I’ve never dated a woman with coloured streaks in her hair before, but they’ve rather grown on me. I know, in our 70s, we all have battle scars and wrinkles, but she has the loveliest of faces.

From the minute we met, it was like rediscover­ing someone you’ve known all your life.

We chatted about silly things and told our life stories: we have a lot in common. I told her my politics, but she wouldn’t tell me hers, so perhaps we differ, but I doubt very much that it matters.

My Ideal woman would be someone attractive, interestin­g and intelligen­t, and Joan ticked all those boxes. We flirted outrageous­ly and laughed, and it was one of the best dates I’ve ever been on.

I have no children and, since my divorce, have been online dating a little bit, but it’s a minefield.

I told Joan I just wanted to find a romantic partner to share experience­s with, who’s intelligen­t and funny; she told me she wanted to meet someone nice — we both agreed we had just done that.

I love the country life and all it has to offer. I’m a big fan of steam engines, old churches and houses and love nothing more than exploring national trust gardens. It seems we share those interests, as well as a love of red wine.

I’m 6 ft 2 in, but Joan was sitting down when I arrived, so it was only later I found out that she is 5 ft 11 in, which was a bonus.

We exchanged phone numbers and discussed meeting again. I then drove her to the zoo and met her daughter and grandson, who had come with her to Chester on the train. although it was lovely to meet them, it did prevent any passionate goodbyes!

I really hope to see Joan again and will be in touch with her soon to arrange something. It really was a wonderful date and has put quite a spring in my step. LIKED? her personalit­y, her looks and her height. REGRETS? none — I wish I’d done it sooner. COFFEE OR CAB? Coffee.

Verdict: 11/10

We flirted outrageous­ly, she’s an 11 out of 10

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