Scottish Daily Mail

Warning labels on alcohol ‘threaten iconic brands’

- By Kate Foster Scottish Health Editor

GRIM health warnings and informatio­n about nutrition could soon cover around half of every label on bottles of wine, beer and spirits in a crackdown on booze.

But a leading alcohol brand expert warns that the ‘nanny state measure’ risks damaging the image of iconic Scots firms.

Ron Cregan, who has worked for major companies including Pernod Ricard and Diageo, will tell an Edinburgh industry summit today that the sector should be prepared for possible legislatio­n requiring tobacco-style health warnings on bottles and cans. Ireland has already passed a law stipulatin­g that a third of every label should be devoted to warnings. The Scottish Government is watching this ‘with interest’.

Mr Cregan said: ‘It is likely that if this goes ahead in Scotland, one-third of the label will be a health warning such as “alcohol causes cancer” and there is already onequarter devoted to ingredient­s, a bar code and other informatio­n.

‘So more than half of the label will be nonbrand informatio­n about health and other statutory informatio­n.

‘We don’t want these beautiful labels to be ugly and for customers to be treated like children. It is a nanny state measure.’ Mr Cregan has now launched an initiative called Endangered Species aimed at tackling increasing label regulation.

Scotland’s chief medical officer Dr Catherine Calderwood has written to producers urging them to put warnings on bottles,

A Scottish Government spokesman said: ‘Providing informatio­n on labels is a crucial and effective way to give people health informatio­n and advice that informs their choices. Some businesses are taking a responsibl­e approach and we would encourage others to follow their lead.

‘We are also watching the progress of the Irish measures with interest.’

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