Scottish Daily Mail



RAyNAud’S disease Silver Gloves, £9.99 per pair, healthandc­ THESE contain 8 per cent silver, which the maker says helps reflect heat back at the hands, so keeping them warmer than normal gloves. It’s claimed this wards off the painful symptoms of Raynaud’s Disease (a circulatio­n disorder) and help anyone whose fingers are sensitive to the cold.

EXPERT VERDICT: ‘Raynaud’s is an unpleasant condition triggered by the cold, in which the fingers and toes can become white, numb, painful and hard to move,’ says Dr Bhalara.

‘Keeping the hands warm is vital to prevent attacks. The idea of silver reflecting back heat is a proven effect. However, at 8per cent there is not that much silver in these gloves. ‘My patients have found the best solution is combining a thin inner silk ski glove with a thicker outer ski glove. Wearing layers is better than a single glove, because the air that’s trapped between them acts as an additional insulator. I’m not sure these gloves would provide a warmer effect, but they are less cumbersome. ‘Patients with Raynaud’s also tend to have higher infection rates and poorer wound-healing rates due to their reduced circulatio­n, so an added bonus with these gloves is that silver has natural anti-bacterial properties. Overall, this is a really useful product.’ 9/10

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