Scottish Daily Mail

Campaign that’s captured real spirit of Xmas


HAVING decamped to their constituen­cies after a tumultuous week inside the Westminste­r bubble, Tory MPs have one last opportunit­y this weekend to talk to some real people before Tuesday’s vote on Theresa May’s Brexit plan.

In case they need reminding, these are the people they’re paid to represent – people whose lives, families, jobs and incomes will be profoundly affected by how (or indeed if) we leave the EU.

An orderly departure would prompt an immediate economic upturn and provide the promise of future prosperity. A disorderly one threatens chaos, uncertaint­y and slump.

so as they press the flesh at Christmas fetes and gaily turn on festive lights, the Honourable Members should listen carefully to what their constituen­ts have to say.

And the way they vote on Tuesday should be driven by concern for the welfare of those real people – not by some misty-eyed, ideologica­l fantasy of a perfect Brexit.

For the Mail has this message for those MPs who believe there may be a better withdrawal deal available: There isn’t!

Despite their constant bluster, the hard Brexiteers have no real alternativ­e, beyond a Gadarene rush towards no-deal. As countless business leaders have told us, that would bring a whole new world of economic pain.

Meanwhile, Remainers want to ignore the referendum result and send us crawling back to Brussels with our tail between our legs. That would be a national humiliatio­n. And an affront to democracy.

The truth is that ordinary voters are sick and tired of this Parliament­ary Punch and Judy show. They hunger for grown-up compromise and certainty, so they can get on with their lives in peace.

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