Scottish Daily Mail

Queen’s chauffeur ‘abused boy in his Palace quarters’

- By Tom Witherow

‘Why did police take so long’

A CHAUFFEUR to the Queen is said to have sexually abused two boys – one in his Buckingham Palace quarters – but died days before he could be charged with the historical offences.

Alwyn Stockdale, 81, was interviewe­d in June over attacks on a ten-year-old boy and a boy under 14 in the 1970s.

He was due to be charged with indecently assaulting one boy and three offences of gross indecency on the other after police took 19 months to trace and interview him.

The retired driver died of natural causes in hospital last week. Prosecutor­s had told police to charge Stockdale.

A source said: ‘The victims are understand­ably upset that Stockdale will not face justice. They’ve lived with what he did all their adult lives.

‘There are questions over why it took so long for police to identify and get round to questionin­g Stockdale.

‘Given his age, it was a race against time to bring him to justice. But like Jimmy Savile and the MP Cyril Smith, he died before that could happen.’ The alleged victim, a man now in his 50s, told police he had been assaulted when he was ten.

Detectives probing high-profile historical child sex abuse claims received the report in November 2016 but did not interview Stockdale until this year.

Stockdale lived in Royal Household quarters at Buckingham Palace Mews at the time of the alleged offences, according to The Sun, and later lived in a cottage on the Windsor estate.

He is said to have attacked one of the boys at the West Yorkshire home of a relative, who was also a royal servant but unaware of the incident.

The Metropolit­an Police said: ‘In November 2016 the Metropolit­an Police received a historical allegation of gross indecency and indecent assault, alleged to have occurred in the 1970s at addresses in London and West Yorkshire.

‘The allegation­s were investigat­ed by officers from Opera- tion Winter Key and after extensive research, a suspect, aged in his 80s was identified. He was interviewe­d in June 2018. A file was passed to the Crown Prosecutio­n Service in August. The man interviewe­d under caution has now died.’

The CPS said: ‘Following a Metropolit­an Police investigat­ion into allegation­s of non-recent sexual abuse, the CPS authorised four charges against a suspect aged in his 80s. The suspect has since died and therefore no prosecutio­n can take place.’

Buckingham Palace has been contacted for comment.

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