Scottish Daily Mail



I’M A GEMINI and work with a Scorpio and Pisces. Is it a good working combinatio­n?

Thanks, Genna Hi Genna, Scorpio and Pisces are imaginativ­e and emotional water signs. Gemini and Pisces are ‘mutable’, so they’re flexible and co-operative. Scorpio’s desire for secrecy and Gemini’s inquisitiv­e nature suggests potential for tension. But your Gemini analytical skills are just what’s required. If your reasoning fails, their intuition will get you out of trouble! Oscar ARIES WE’RE all guilty of Mar 21 — Apr 20 sometimes retrofitti­ng facts to justify a decision, or achieve an outcome we desire. Sometimes we do it with good intention to make for an easier life for all; perhaps an act of kindness to spare someone’s feelings. But sometimes it smacks of controllin­g behaviour; an action that cuts others out of decision-making; a means of establishi­ng dominance in a group. Take an honest second look at your motive for a current decision and try to stay open-minded. There’s important news between now and Christmas. For your LATEST spookily accurate Moon-sign forecast, call 0906 751 5601. TAURUS PARENTING Apr 21 — May 21 involves looking for moments when your offspring show empathy and take interest in their playmates. For most kids, the shift from self-centrednes­s to being more of a social animal happens at play school. But, even as adults, there are occasional lapses when we forget about our interconne­ctedness. It’s probably a remnant of our prehistori­c past. The presence of Venus in Scorpio could not carry a clearer message for you: you can tap into your high levels of

empathy today. There’s exciting news between now and Christmas. For your LATEST spookily accurate Moon-sign forecast, call 0906 751 5602. GEMINI May 22 — June 22 THERE are obstacles and road works on the route map of life. It’s easy to feel thwarted and stew as traffic flies past you on a different carriagewa­y. Yet, whatever you feel is blocking your path, there’s a way forward. Well, probably not always forward! You might need to reverse a little till you find that sliproad to a detour. You might even (sometimes) be able to fly or burrow under the obstructio­n. With your ruler about to enter Sagittariu­s, an inventive solution is on its way. There’s great news between now and Christmas. For your LATEST spookily accurate Moon-sign forecast, call 0906 751 5603. CANCER June 23 — July 23 WHETHER it’s a polite dinner party, a chat with workmates or a friendly discussion between mums and dads at the school gates, certain topics are out of bounds. It might be religion, the latest political turmoil or some other ‘elephant in the room’. Although talking about such things can lead to events spiralling out of control, not talking about them also creates problems. Today is a good day to address something head on. You’ll be relieved at the

outcome. There’s important news between now and Christmas. For your LATEST spookily accurate Moon-sign forecast, call 0906 751 5604. LEO BAD behaviour is July 24 — Aug 23 infectious. A bad boss who rants gives the green light to other people to behave in a similar way. Away from the office, stressful situations can cause friends and loved ones to overreact and then those ripples spread and affect other relationsh­ips. Today is a day to stand firm. Whoever is rattling the cage, don’t be infected by their behaviour. It’s time to hold back on your impatience and delve into the big-hearted part of you that can weather any storm. There’s exciting news between now and Christmas. For your LATEST spookily accurate Moon-sign forecast, call 0906 751 5605. VIRGO THERE’S always Aug 24 — Sep 23 more than one way to tackle a problem. There’s the hard way: head on, confrontat­ional, sometimes harsh, quick and decisive. Or soft: subtle and thoughtful. The Virgoan way is usually the latter. But today, and for the rest of this week, you might need to unearth the tougher, uncompromi­sing side of you that usually stays well hidden. This diversion from your usual style may be enough in itself to warn people that you really do mean business. You will also garner new respect. There’s great news between now and Christmas. For your LATEST spookily accurate Moon-sign forecast, call 0906 751 5606. LIBRA Sep 24 — Oct 23 ‘I HAVE to meet a turtle / I’m teaching him to swim / Then I have to shine the dewdrops / You know, they’re looking rather dim.’ These were just two of the pointless tasks outlined by Johnny Burke in his whimsical classic, Busy Doing Nothing. Does it, even in a small way, describe what you are doing now: fixing something that doesn’t need attention? Some of what you are doing has real value. Today, you can separate the worthless from the worthwhile. There’s important news between now and Christmas. For your LATEST spookily accurate Moon-sign forecast, call 0906 751 5607. SCORPIO IF YOU’RE Oct 24 — Nov 22 surrounded by negativity, it’s very hard to remain in a positive frame of mind. For some people, ‘No!’ is their favourite word. They revel in pessimism, dashing hopes and dreams and being generally miserable. Sometimes they even try to pass it off as humour. If anyone can put a stop to such attitudes this week, it’s you. With Venus in your sign, you can exude positivity and kindness, and erode negativity with your sensual Scorpio charm. If ever there was a chance to demonstrat­e the power of ‘Yes’, it’s now. There’s exciting news between now and Christmas. For your LATEST spookily accurate Moonsign forecast, call 0906 751 5608. SAGITTARIU­S IF YOU Nov 23 — Dec 21 play a part often enough, you become what you portray — if that’s what you want. Everyone has vulnerabil­ities, especially when entering a new situation; perhaps a change of job or starting at a new gym. You already have an excellent idea of who you are and what you represent. But there are other elements of your make-up you choose to conceal. With Mercury about to enter your sign, this is the time to show some of the other parts you can play There’s great news between now and Christmas. For your LATEST spookily accurate Moon-sign forecast, call 0906 751 5609. CAPRICORN Dec 22 — Jan 20 DO YOU pride yourself on being able to distinguis­h a fake from the real thing? Not only with physical objects, but with people, attitudes, song lyrics and news stories. Everyone, to some extent, puts on a show. It’s partly to protect themselves from criticism, partly to advance their position. It can help make the world go round. But if you can look beyond superficia­l appearance­s today and connect with the person beneath, you’ll help them - and yourself too. There’s important news between now and Christmas. For your LATEST spookily accurate Moon-sign forecast, call 0906 751 5610. AQUARIUS Jan 21 — Feb 19 AT THIS time of year, we can start to feel exhausted, whether we’re in the dark of the northern hemisphere or the blazing summer Down Under. But it’s rarely real tiredness that is afflicting us; it’s the pressure of responsibi­lity and expectatio­ns. The old phrase, ‘a change is as good as a rest’, sums up what you need today. Try something outside your normal relaxation routine. The cosmos is calling for you to energise by trying a different kind of challengin­g experience. There’s exciting news between now and Christmas. For your LATEST spookily accurate Moonsign forecast, call 0906 751 5611. PISCES SELF-PRESERVATI­ON Feb 20 — Mar 20 is a natural trait; but in Pisceans it’s probably at its zenith. At worst it can make you cagey and indecisive, at best it renders you a safe pair of hands, loved and valued by all. But if you keep your umbrella up all the time, you’ll miss out on the sunshine. So, sometimes you need to take a risk and step outside your comfort zone. This very change will make others take note and digest what you say or do. Only you know the difficult choice you face. Be bold today. The reward could be huge. There’s great news between now and Christmas. For your LATEST spookily accurate Moon-sign forecast, call 0906 751 5612.

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