Scottish Daily Mail

Satellite choice


FILM DRAMA Katie Says Goodbye, 3.10pm, Sky Premiere

INDIE drama starring Olivia Cooke as 17-year-old Katie, who is desperate to leave her desert town and start a new life in San Francisco. Life changes when she falls for Bruno.

FREEVIEW MOVIE Suffragett­e, 6.50pm, Film4

POWERFUL dramatisat­ion of the direct action taken by followers of Emmeline Pankhurst as they fought with deeds, not words, for the right to vote. They’re beaten, shamed and imprisoned, and their sacrifice is shown in all its ugly glory. Carey Mulligan and Helena Bonham Carter (pictured) star.

FOOTBALL Liverpool v Napoli, 7pm, BT Sport 2

IT’S another huge European night at Anfield as Jurgen Klopp tries to energise the Reds to beat Napoli and make the last 16. Spurs, meanwhile, face the daunting task of beating Barcelona away (7.15pm, BT Sport 3).

EMERGENCY SERVICE Inside The Ambulance At Christmas, 8pm, W

THE crews of the West Midlands Ambulance Service drive cheerily through snow-covered streets in this continuing series, bantering with each other and the grateful patients. Here, Anna Rai and Laura Hickman are called to help a 65-year-old woman with breathing problems.

BRITISH MADE The Motorbike Show, 9pm, ITV4

THE first of three interestin­g specials on manufactur­ers, starting with the British-owned Triumph and focusing on the Bonneville, Thunderbir­d and Daytona — Prince William bought himself one of the latter as a 21st-birthday present. Norton follows tomorrow, with Ducati on Thursday.

GHOST HUNTER Constantin­e, 9pm, Fox

‘JOHN it’s me, Gary,’ spouts a suddenly animated corpse in the finale to this DC Comics drama about Liverpudli­an exorcist John Constantin­e (Matt Ryan, pictured), who communes with the dead but dresses like Columbo. Gary, the spirit inhabiting the corpse, carries a warning for John — there is a bounty on his life — but that’s not all he has to deal with here.

ROMANTIC COMEDY The Holiday, 9pm, ITV2

KATE WINSLET and Cameron Diaz star as two women — on either side of the Atlantic — who swap homes in order to get away from it all, including failed romances. Winslet visits LA, while Diaz is an adorable fish out of water in leafy Surrey.

TRUE-LIFE TALE I Am Elizabeth Smart, 10pm, Lifetime

AT ONE of the most harrowing points in this one-off drama about her kidnapping by a religious fanatic, the real Elizabeth Smart comes on screen and says: ‘Do you want it to stop? So did I.’ This is very much her story, told her way, and that gives it an uncommon power.


ROBERT KENNEDY was described by his father as the ‘runt’ of the Kennedy family. As a result of having to always prove himself, Bobby became known as a tough political operator, and this accomplish­ed new profile explores his important role during the Cuban missile crisis and how things changed after his brother, JFK, was assassinat­ed.

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