Scottish Daily Mail

Straight to the POINT


TO COMBAT global warming, we are advised to stop eating meat and to breed smaller humans (Mail). Without cattle and sheep, we’ll all get lost in the long grass. RICHARD MARTIN, Hazlemere, Bucks.

RITA ORA’S half-and-half outfit (Mail) is nothing new. I went as half day and half night to a fancy dress party and won first prize. Mrs MAUREEN WHEAWALL, address supplied.

TO FIT in new terms such as hangry in the Oxford English Dictionary, did they have to remove the word democracy? After all, it doesn’t seem to exist any more. DAVE HAYES, Sandwich, Kent. BREXIT was never about a deal with the EU. It was about leaving with no strings attached. JACKIE EDWARDS, Honiton, Devon.

HAD Mrs May consulted all the bad decision makers in history — King Canute, General Custer and Homer Simpson — she couldn’t have made a more horrific mess of Brexit. GEORGE MANN, Nottingham. IF MPS vote down the Brexit deal, can we hold them in contempt of the electorate? NIGEL McMANN, South Shields.

SURELY the thousands of pigeons being moved 500 miles away by Cadiz officials (Mail) will just fly back? Homing is what they do. J. WALMSLEY, Bury, Gtr Manchester. IF WE don’t Brexit, I’m voting for the Monster Raving Loony Party. KEITH THOMPSON, Warrington, Cheshire. THE gravy train is so overloaded it has to be continuall­y refuelled. Pity it never hits the buffers! KENNETH PETERS, Nursling, Hants. For permission to copy cuttings for internal management and informatio­n purposes, please contact the Newspaper Licensing Agency (NLA), PO Box 101, Tunbridge Wells TN1 1WX. Tel: 01892 525273. e-mail:

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