Scottish Daily Mail

Mackay was like a renegade elf... pinching back the gifts left by Santa

- Stephen Daisley

ABUZZ of excitement crackled through Holyrood as the Budget was handed down. Not for Derek Mackay’s speech – God love him – but because the proceeding­s were scored to the whirr-growl-thrum of an orchestra of mobile phones.

Updates from Westminste­r whooshed in and MSPs jabbed their screens in anticipati­on of some fresh calamity. By the time Mr Mackay sat back down, the premiershi­p could have passed from Mrs May to Mr Johnson to one of the Strictly finalists.

The Finance Secretary benefited from a warm-up act in the form of Mike Russell, the least effective Brexit minister this side of David Davis’s empty chair – and even that’s a close call. Russell is an idiot’s idea of an intellectu­al and he’s the idiot.

Blessed relief, then, when Mr Mackay took the microphone. Trimly tailored in a charcoal suit, a silver wave swept over his meticulous­ly sculpted hair, the Finance Secretary was sending a none too subtle message: the Brexiteers may be running wild, but here’s a grown-up.

This was his theme. The clanjamfri­e of chaos down south versus a Scottish Government getting on with the day job. ‘For the benefit of the Tories in the chamber, that is strong government,’ he jabbed, appropriat­ing Theresa May’s long since abandoned slogan. ‘Some might even say strong and stable government.’

Soon he was having too much fun for his own good, taunting the Tories: ‘The UK Government’s decision to take us out of the EU single market and the customs union, a market of more than 500million people, is reckless and unnecessar­y.’

The Tory benches could manage only intermitte­nt sputters of ‘Huh’ and ‘Waah’, roughly translated as ‘Sorry, are you the same lad who wants to take Scotland out of the UK single market?’ But Mr Mackay would not be chastened. His Budget was an unrepentan­tly political exercise and a world away from his nerve-wracked first fiscal statement. His delivery was easy and, in places, light.

His fellow Buddie George ‘Mr Paisley’ Adam asked about more money for Sportscotl­and, given the minister ‘takes a keen interest in sport’. ‘I didn’t realise supporting St Mirren qualified,’ Mr Mackay fired back.

He riled the Labour benches over their unfunded demands. At one point, Jackson Carlaw forgot himself,

banged his desk in approval, then looked to see if anyone had noticed.

When Pauline McNeill became the umpteenth Labour MSP to urge more spending, Mr Mackay said: ‘If I do it, will you vote for the Budget?’ Every head turned to Miss McNeill, a study in stony silence.

If the presentati­on was smooth, the content was squeaky. A highly polished spin operation that essayed a sluggish and listless government as thrusting and dynamic.

Much of this involved recycling existing policies and rewording old pledges.

The Scottish National Investment Bank was announced yet again. Bonnie and Clyde would have died of old age waiting to rob this joint.

Mr Mackay has a talent for keeping a straight face while getting up to mischief. No tell-tale grin betrayed him as he claimed credit for the UK Government’s city and region deals or when he lamented Westminste­r cuts to Scotland’s block grant, even as Holyrood’s pocket money has shot up this year. Never mind. Nicola Sturgeon was by his side, taking time out of her main career as MSP for Twitter, and looked like she was enjoying the show.

What the voters will think of it is another matter. Sneakily, Mr Mackay boasted that he was not putting up tax this year, then slipped in a planned cash grab in 2019-20. Those affected will be somewhat less impressed with his performanc­e than the First Minister.

To them, he’s like a renegade Christmas elf who follows Father Christmas down the chimney and gathers up all the gifts again. Bah humbug.

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 ??  ?? A watchful eye: Nicola Sturgeon was by Derek Mackay’s side
A watchful eye: Nicola Sturgeon was by Derek Mackay’s side

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