Scottish Daily Mail

Let’s put the TRUE meaning of Christmas on cards


I WOULD like to express my sadness and deep concern regarding the lack of religious Christmas cards available. Last week, I received an email from the action group 38 Degrees asking me to buy their cards to help them financiall­y. There was a choice of two, neither of which represente­d the true meaning of Christmas, which is the celebratio­n of the Nativity. After all, Jesus Christ is the figurehead of the Christian Church and therefore the Christian country that we are supposed to be a part of. Instead, on our cards we get Santa Claus (invented to sell Coca-Cola), elves and reindeer (who are nowhere to be seen), and snowmen (when — here, at least — there hasn’t been a white Christmas for years). So why do non-Christians bother celebratin­g at all? They now worship the new god consumeris­m, which has not only kidnapped Christmas, but the other Christian festivals Easter and Halloween in order to make people spend, spend, spend while turning them away from the Christian faith. I asked 38 Degrees why there were no religious cards. The response was that ‘some people feel uncomforta­ble sending them’. I had a similar response from certain High Street stores. Why, then, should those people bother celebratin­g Christmas if its true meaning offends them so much? I don’t celebrate Ramadan, Diwali, Yom Kippur, etc., but I wouldn’t insult those who do by diluting their beliefs and commercial­ising their festivals, or preventing them from mentioning what they’re about because that makes people ‘uncomforta­ble’. In the window of my local British Heart Foundation charity shop there were two Christian cards: one of an angel and another of an abstract Nativity scene. There were also cards of animals dressed as Santa, and one was a pig. Surely that could offend a lot of people. I asked in the shop if they had any more Christian cards. The lady showed me the storeroom, where there were several. She wasn’t sure why they weren’t on display. I told her it made me feel like a criminal for being a Christian in a Christian country. My apologies if I have offended anyone! Stanley Willoughby-browne, Ramsgate, Kent.

 ??  ?? Passionate plea: Stanley Willoughby-Browne
Passionate plea: Stanley Willoughby-Browne

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