Scottish Daily Mail

Here comes the bride ...( and the mother-in-law as well!)



A ROSETTE-SHAPED cactus with foliage in all colours and sizes, there are 180 different species. The flowers grow on the top of stalks that appear between the leaves. Used in rock gardens and also in bridal bouquets. Costs between £3 and £20.


ALSO called ‘Mother-in-law’s Tongue’ or ‘the Snake Plant’, this little shrub is sharp and tough. It has stiff, spindly leaves which grow towards the light. Costs around £20.

Opuntia or ‘Prickly Pear’

CHARACTERI­SED by its flat, club-shaped pads, there are over 200 species, from miniature to 16ft monsters. In Mexico, the fruits are a popular snack while the purple juice is used in cocktails, sweets and jellies. Prices from £3.50, to £125 for large shrubs.


WITH its central stem and curved upright branches, this is straight out of central casting. Never known to flower, it has thorns studded up and down each edge and V-shaped ridges on the stem. Shallow roots make it easy to pot but prone to falling over. Costs £35-£70. And finally for purists . . .

Schlumberg­era or ‘Christmas Cactus’

FLOWERING between November and January, the Christmas cactus (pictured) grows in Brazil. It prefers semi-shaded areas to deserts, and the toothing on the leaves makes them appear like shellfish claws. Prices start at £8.

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