Scottish Daily Mail

Straight to the POINT


EASTENDERS’ new set is over budget by £27 million. Is this why the Beeb wants to cut the free TV licence for over-75s?

STEPHEN TONG, Pudsey, Leeds.

NICE to see the impartial BBC give Richard Branson a couple of minutes at the end of a report on his space flight to ‘advise’ us on Brexit. Wonder if it knew the view of the tax exile railway monopoly operator?

TERRY CALDON, Thanet, Kent.

IF VEGANS are motivated by animal welfare, they should be protesting against the barbaric practice of ritual slaughter.

Name supplied, Wiltshire.

SO THE DUP don’t want an Irish border. Am I missing something obvious here?

DOUG ELLIOT, Ormskirk, Lancs.

MR JUNCKER says the UK does not know what it wants. More than 17 million of us know exactly what we want, but it’s our Prime Minister who is less than clear.

BRIAN BEST, Hazlemere, Bucks.

FOR David Dimbleby’s last Question Time, the BBC could not have chosen a more biased panel. Four Remoaners pitted against poor David Davis!

MIKE HARRIS, Bletchingl­ey, Surrey.

SEEING the disgracefu­l way MPs are behaving in Westminste­r gives a new meaning to the phrase ‘political asylum’.

MARGARET CHAPPELL, Chilton, Co. Durham.

SUE PERKINS: There is a fine line between being witty and just plain gobby.

R. CHAMBERS, Langford, Beds.

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