Scottish Daily Mail



AS THE Sun links to visionary Neptune today, wishes and dreams — the theme of the year so far — come to the fore. Several astrologic­al events this weekend underline the power of positive thinking, and encourage visions of a better, brighter future. The partial Solar Eclipse empowers us to sow the seeds of hope, while Mercury’s move into Capricorn ensures that we’re equipped to consider the long game. With dedication, maintenanc­e and patience, a bountiful harvest of new ideas is firmly on the horizon.

ARIES Mar 21 — Apr 20

THE start of every New Year always causes me to ponder the idea of looking into the future. Why are there times when it is easier to see the potential lying ahead? Perhaps it’s because it’s not always appropriat­e to know. It seems you’re trying to look too far ahead — attempting to solve a problem before it has even shown up. Empowered by your ruler, Mars, you have the energy to change what’s going on in your world now. Focus on that, rather than the future, and you’ll reap the benefits deep into 2019. Happy New Year! For a special message about the powerful possibilit­ies that await you in 2019, call 0906 751 5601.

TAURUS Apr 21 — May 21

DOES ‘happily ever after’ happen in real life? Surely it’s only in the domain of fairytales? Yet, every now and then, a problem gets resolved and stays that way. You’ve recently been facing an issue as tenacious as the mythic Hydra; every time you successful­ly cut off a head, it seems as if three more spring up in its place. But the approachin­g Solar Eclipse indicates that it’s time to usher in a fresh beginning. Even though old problems have had a habit of raising their heads, it doesn’t mean that it will happen now. Happy New Year! For a special message about the powerful possibilit­ies that await you in 2019, call 0906 751 5602.

GEMINI May 22 — June 22

WHEN you’re in the eye of a storm, you’ll do anything for respite. The good news is the part of your life that has been providing the most challenges is settling into a calmer state. Phew! Thankfully, at least one particular drama has run out of steam, and a saga has reached its conclusion. A positive and reassuring cycle has already begun. As the coming Solar Eclipse brings a sign of tangible improvemen­t, and cosmic blessings begin to make themselves felt, you’ll notice a sense of calm at last. Happy New Year! For a special message about the powerful possibilit­ies that await you in 2019, call 0906 751 5603.

CANCER June 23 — July 23

THE world doesn’t carry on in the same way for ever. Brand new technologi­es will revolution­ise life beyond our understand­ing. If we were plunged into that future today (and were able to look back at how we live now), we’d be shocked by our habits. Whether we’re ready for it or not, the future is on its way. The only thing holding you back from making an important change is a sense of reluctance. Yet there’s no reason to fear. By embracing the energy of the Solar Eclipse, you can benefit from new-found confidence. Happy New Year! For a special message about the powerful possibilit­ies that await you in 2019, call 0906 751 5604.

LEO July 24 — Aug 23

IF SOMEONE moves the goalposts, there’s no point continuing to focus your energy on the place where they used to be. In such a situation, you need to find a different target and a new strategy. Although there has been a subtle shift in one of your goals, you have embarked on a game in which there are several nets. One has moved, but others are in the same places. The Solar Eclipse brings the chance to look again at your objectives. By resetting one, others become easier to achieve. Happy New Year! For a special message about the powerful possibilit­ies that await you in 2019, call 0906 751 5605.

VIRGO Aug 24 — Sep 23

A JOLT to the right. A flip to the left. Diverse emotions. Mixed blessings. A familiar mixture of pain and pleasure. Anxiety and self-fulfilment all jumbled up together. A helter-skelter journey over the mountains and through the rivers of an ever-shifting landscape. You don’t need to be governed by either fear or fantasy this weekend. Simply be led by the part of your gut that knows, instinctiv­ely, where it needs to go. The road may not be smooth, but it leads you to exactly where you have to be. Happy New Year! For a special message about the powerful possibilit­ies that await you in 2019, call 0906 751 5606.

LIBRA Sep 24 — Oct 23

SOMETIMES, no matter what you try to do right, things somehow seem to go wrong. So what should you do? Obviously don’t set out to do the wrong things! After all, if you’re sure you’re doing the right thing, then you must just be doing something in the wrong way. Try a different approach, and then another, until you get the result you want. It’s frustratin­g to be working so hard when nothing quite works. But the Solar Eclipse suggests that if you keep trying and trusting, everything will work out for the best. Happy New Year! For a special message about the powerful possibilit­ies that await you in 2019, call 0906 751 5607.

SCORPIO Oct 24 — Nov 22

CONSUMERIS­M is an ugly (yet prevalent) part of 21st-century living. We all love a brand name. It seems that many of us want to show the world how much we’ve managed to spend on the latest car/phone/ jacket. Like emperors in our new clothes, we preen and receive lots of attention for our efforts. The Solar Eclipse is a reminder that you don’t need to be a part of such silly, empty rituals. Instead of doing what looks good to other people, do what feels good to you. The reward will be that you feel truly special. Happy New Year! For a special message about the powerful possibilit­ies that await you in 2019, call 0906 751 5608.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 23 — Dec 21

THE start of 2019 is encouragin­g you to make commitment­s — to yourself and others. You’re inspired to make changes. So what do you really want to alter? It’s worth taking the time, as we approach the Solar Eclipse, to consider how you reach your definition of yourself. Are you, like many of us, judging your success by how other folk see you? With your ruler in your sign, and Venus soon to enter it, you will emerge from a place of self-doubt into one of inner confidence. Are you ready? Happy New Year! For a special message about the powerful possibilit­ies that await you in 2019, call 0906 751 5609.

CAPRICORN Dec 22 — Jan 20

LIKE a vein of precious stones, deep in the planet’s crust, you have a rich seam of unexplored potential waiting to be discovered. As you settle into the New Year, your insight into the prospectiv­e value of these resources is growing. They are slowly becoming the building blocks which form strong foundation­s, from which you can venture forth. You’re becoming the person you’ve always wanted to be. Past struggles and trials have led you to your strengths. Your experience is your ally this weekend. Happy New Year! For a special message about the powerful possibilit­ies that await you in 2019, call 0906 751 5610.

AQUARIUS Jan 21 — Feb 19

THIS weekend’s Solar Eclipse can energise your life like a bolt of lightning. With perfect timing, it can shine a bright beam into a dark corner of your world. What’s that? You’re not jumping with joy? Actually, I’m not surprised that you’re feeling suspicious of such a life-changing occurrence. You’ve been through a lot recently and deserve some peace and quiet. Yet even if it seems as if the change that’s coming is less than ideal, it will alter your life for the better. Give it a chance. Happy New Year! For a special message about the powerful possibilit­ies that await you in 2019, call 0906 751 5611.

PISCES Feb 20 — Mar 20

THE moments that change our lives happen in the blink of an eye. Indeed, you can catch someone’s eye across a crowded room and know that things will never be the same again. On the other hand, it can sometimes feel as if we’ve spent eons just waiting for something to happen, and that — rather than being electrifyi­ng — the company we keep is struggling to understand our needs. Under the influence of this weekend’s Solar Eclipse, you don’t need to force anything to change. Life is unfurling perfectly. Happy New Year! For a special message about the powerful possibilit­ies that await you in 2019, call 0906 751 5612.

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