Scottish Daily Mail




13 Already begun missing target? (3,3,4) 14 Left short image that’s covered entrance (7) 15 Stir anew working round Alaska (6) 16 A drive relaid is changed (6) 17 Escape? Come off it! (3,4) 18 Vitality leader hid? A tiny bit (5) 19 Get rid of deposit (4) 20 Girl’s first ready to make complaint (5) 21 Hear of small child showing strength (5) 22 Order in constituti­on (6) 23 Left carrying large bedcover (5) 28 A place in which one finds cut clothing (7) 30 Skilful secretary intercepts old-fashioned communicat­ion (7) 33 Concerning France, expert makes U-turn (5-4) 36 Fluid container in shop replaced (6) 38 Two foreign articles proving deficient (5) 39 Some extra investment for transport (5) 40 Expel at college backward source of tickets (3,3) 42 Clan gets right to enter most of river (5) 43 Director with first worker is remote (7) 44 A hut is demolished creating interrupti­on (6) 46 Vegetable pleasingly smooth first off (4) 49 Leave out old U.S. college (4) 51 Untidy sort namely with rugby fellows (6) 53 Attractive bag taken by group (7) 55 Circuit close to valley a bit crazy (5) 59 Hollow councillor defending charge (6) 60 Recall a queen with a magnetism in headwear (5) 61 Embarrassm­ent found in sheepish American (5) 62 Book no longer available by popular scientist (6) 63 South African staff tour Dutch firm — it’s beyond criticism! (6,3) 65 With time gone, lift tray awkwardly, showing weakness (7) 66 Workers’ group in country gets regulation (7) 70 Useful tips in haberdashe­ry? (5) 71 Detect around November ecstatic state (6) 73 Serious division splits hospital department (5) 75 Urge shown in newspapers (5) 80 Part of label left for inventor (4) 82 Different holy books belonging to woman (5) 83 Article on Rome that’s altered formula (7) 84 Movable image showing a Virginia sailor (6) 85 Meagre box with empty space (6) 86 Defining element in perfume (7) 87 Public film in spring shows too much (4-3-3)


1 On radio, a reasonable matter (6) 2 African country? I hope it renovated area (8) 3 Notice over day yard getting shabby (5) 4 Lauding criminal is slack (7) 5 Draw small sailing vessel (6) 6 Produce second piece on board (5) 7 Man in trick shows pencil (6) 8 Gentleman held up German dish (7) 9 Circle dressing endlessly for tournament (5,5) 10 Footballer’s partner with hesitation making bet (5) 11 Factory worker gets light blow and manacle (8) 12 Name period in school year (4) 24 Reprimand the French before uneasy truce (7) 25 Miniscule support over U.S. city (5) 26 Attention by criminal group to get jewellery (7) 27 Disclosed job in remote location (7) 29 Former head of order (5) 31 Check car on back of lot (5) 32 Departed behind schedule (4) 34 Less advanced students’ club curtailed in Japan? Right (6) 35 Dress worn by tsar informally (4) 37 A small time in headwear in normal environmen­t (7) 41 Scold Swiss hero feeling unwell (4,3) 45 Moderate mood (6) 47 Free in rickety seat with legs at side (7) 48 King aboard vessel showing affinity (7) 50 Wine damages learner among teetotalle­rs (7) 52 Dull apartment (4) 54 Fine electric vehicles heading north (5) 56 Indication in top ground (5) 57 Rush, it’s said, for musical (4) 58 Stop a club with energy (5) 60 A few also reportedly cast mostly in valuable material (3,2,5) 64 State of readiness held up shopkeeper hosting the Spanish (3,5) 67 Menace about a troublemak­er principall­y later caught (8) 68 Fascinate English chat show host (7) 69 Master disrupted over minute gets to speak falteringl­y (7) 72 Former minister gets stretch (6) 74 Small rope supported by barrier (6) 76 Race also arranged round lake by Frenchman (6) 77 One sitting in demo deliberate­ly (5) 78 Honest first woman enters middle of ballet (5) 79 Power with cultural interests in political body (5) 81 See European agent (4)


13 Already started (3,3,4) 14 Covered entrance (7) 15 Rouse (6) 16 Diverse (6) 17 Escape (3,4) 18 Small quantity (5) 19 Unload (4) 20 Complaint (5) 21 Strength (5) 22 Dispositio­n (6) 23 Bedcover (5) 28 Clothing (7) 30 Proficient (7) 33 Reversal (5-4) 36 Divert (6) 38 Deficient (5) 39 Coach (5) 40 Offend (3,3) 42 Clan (5) 43 Remote (7) 44 Interrupti­on (6) 46 Vegetable (4) 49 Exclude (4) 51 Dishevelle­d person (6) 53 Charming (7) 55 Slightly crazy (5) 59 Hollow (6) 60 Jewelled headwear (5) 61 Embarrassm­ent (5) 62 Scientist (6) 63 Institutio­n beyond criticism (6,3) 65 Weakness (7) 66 Law (7) 70 Convenient (5) 71 Hypnotic state (6) 73 Sharp (5) 75 Urge (5) 80 Ringer (4) 82 Different (5) 83 Formula (7) 84 Embodiment (6) 85 Thinly scattered (6) 86 Nub (7) 87 Excessive (4,3,3)


1 Matter (6) 2 African country (8) 3 Shabby (5) 4 Sluggish (7) 5 Draw (6) 6 Produce (5) 7 Charcoal pencil (6) 8 Dish (7) 9 Tournament (5,5) 10 Bet (5) 11 Manacle (8) 12 Name (4) 24 Academic talk (7) 25 Very small (5) 26 Jewellery (7) 27 Remote settlement (7) 29 Before (5) 31 Financial check (5) 32 Tardy (4) 34 Younger (6) 35 Indian dress (4) 37 Normal abode (7) 41 Reprimand (4,3) 45 Modify (6) 47 Straddling (7) 48 Blood tie (7) 50 Wine (7) 52 Apartment (4) 54 Dapper (5) 56 Purpose (5) 57 Mane (4) 58 Stop (5) 60 A few (3,2,5) 64 Preparedne­ss for crisis (3,5) 67 Portend (8) 68 Absorb (7) 69 Utter falteringl­y (7) 72 Stretch (6) 74 Barrier (6) 76 Ski race (6) 77 Template (5) 78 Horizontal (5) 79 Bash (5) 81 See (4)

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