Scottish Daily Mail


He buys hundreds of burgers for party amid staffing crisis

- From Daniel Bates in New York

A STUDENT sports team visiting the White House were served junk food on silver platters by Donald Trump as the US government shutdown continues.

Mr Trump blamed Washington’s budget freeze for a lack of kitchen staff.

Pictures of the President standing in front of dozens of boxes from McDonald’s, Burger King and Domino’s Pizza were widely mocked online.

This was compounded by Mr Trump himself, who tweeted about buying ‘over 1,000 hamberders’.

A renowned lover of fast food, he used his own money to fund the spread.

The Clemson Tigers were invited to the White House after winning the Americal Football college championsh­ip. They arrived on day 24 of a partial government shutdown, which has seen 800,000 workers placed on unpaid leave due to a political standoff over funds to build Mr Trump’s ‘Mexican wall’. After 76 players and their coach arrived, the President said he joked about giving them ‘some little quick salads that the First Lady will make’.

Mr Trump, whose typical lunch is two Big Macs, two filets-o-fish and a chocolate milkshake, told the team: ‘I said, you guys aren’t into salads.’ He added of the ‘great American food’ he served: ‘I think they’d like it better than anything we could give.

‘We have pizzas, we have hamburgers, many, many French fries, all of our favourite foods – I want to see what’s here when we leave, because I don’t think it’s going to be much. We have some very large people that like eating.’ He later tweeted: ‘Within one hour, it was all gone. Great guys and big eaters!’

The banquet of burgers, fries, chicken sandwiches and pizzas – and 46 salads – is likely to have cost around $3,000 (£2,500).

According to Michael Wolff’s chronicle of Mr Trump’s first 100 days in power Fire And Fury, he eats fast food because of a ‘longtime fear’ of a poisoning plot.

 ??  ?? No need for cutlery: The Tigers tuck in Feast: Donald Trump in the State Dining Room at the White House yesterday, overlooked by a portrait of Abraham Lincoln
No need for cutlery: The Tigers tuck in Feast: Donald Trump in the State Dining Room at the White House yesterday, overlooked by a portrait of Abraham Lincoln

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