Scottish Daily Mail

Corbyn will not rule out cancelling Brexit


JEREMY Corbyn yesterday left the door open to cancelling Brexit.

The Labour leader was twice asked if he might formally ask the Government to halt the process of leaving the EU if Britain was heading for No Deal.

He refused to rule it out both times, adding that a second referendum was also possible.

Mr Corbyn was in Brussels to meet the bloc’s chief negotiator Michel Barnier and Martin Selmayr, the EU’s top civil servant, hours before yesterday’s EU summit began.

During ‘very constructi­ve discussion­s’, he laid out his plan for a ‘softer’ Brexit which would lock us into a permanent customs union with the EU.

Before last night’s Brussels talks delivered two new possible dates for Brexit – April 12 or May 22 – Mr Corbyn was asked if Labour would ‘contemplat­e’ a longer Brexit delay if Mrs May’s deal is rejected again next week, or if it would support revoking Article 50.

He replied: ‘These are hypothetic­als. So far as we’re concerned, we think there’s an urgency in constructi­ng a majority for an agreeable solution and that’s what we’re concentrat­ing on at the moment.’

The Labour leader again dodged the question when asked directly if he would ‘rule out’ cancelling Brexit.

He said: ‘We think what we’re proposing can be achieved in Parliament, we do believe we can construct a majority that will prevent all the chaos that will come from crashing out.’

Mr Corbyn also hinted that he could back a bid for a second referendum.

He added: ‘Our determinat­ion is to prevent a No Deal exit from the EU.’

It comes following reports that cross-party talks for a softer Brexit with Remainer MPs are gaining ground.

Talks between Labour and Conservati­ve MP Nick Boles for a Norway-style ‘Common Market 2.0’ - possibly with single market involvemen­t or a permanent customs union – are nearing a deal, the BBC said.

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