Scottish Daily Mail


Want to be happier, feel younger AND stave off dementia? Then try a leading neurosurge­on’s brilliantl­y simple workouts for your little grey cells with this ingenious...

- By Dr Rahul Jandial

Less than 20 years ago, people thought that running or going regularly to the gym was for fitness freaks. But step outside your front door today and you can barely move for joggers and cyclists, while it’s entirely normal to be a member of a gym. In short, most people understand that their physical wellbeing is largely down to themselves, and that it can be vastly improved if only they choose to do so.

But what most don’t realise is that exactly the same is true of their brain fitness, too. Just as our bodies age, so do our brains — with consequenc­es that range from the irritating, such as forgetting why we came into a room, to the terrifying, such as dementia.

However, just as with our physical health, there are a range of options available to us to improve our brain health.

In fact, the single most important discovery neuroscien­tists have made since I first became a brain surgeon 15 years ago is that your brain’s health is largely within your own control.

The brain has a remarkable ability to heal itself. We already know, for example, that every brain can make a comeback following a devastatin­g illness or injury.

Neurosurge­ons like myself witness the living proof in patients who’ve experience­d strokes, injuries or brain cancer yet who manage to make incredible recoveries.

They can relearn to walk, talk, regain fine motor skills and improve their brain function, using techniques practised not only in a hospital but also at home. And if my patients can do this, why would anyone doubt that healthy people can’t push their brainpower into a higher gear too?

Because although most of your brain cells are formed in the womb, certain parts of your brain — those areas concerned with memory and learning — continue to create neurons throughout your life.

And all of us can help our brains do this. In an exclusive two-part Daily Mail series starting today, I’ll show you how to take control of your own brain health and practical ways you can boost your memory and ability to solve problems.

Think of it as a boot camp for your brain. Based on solid, cuttingedg­e science, my advice and exercises will make your mind fitter, healthier and stronger.

so how do you keep your brain young? There are three key activities we must all make sure we continue to do throughout our lives: keep learning; be sociable; and keep active.

ReseArcH shows people with degrees tend to stay in better brain health than those who did not go on to further education.

The reason is that education helps you to develop a larger amount of ‘cognitive reserve’ — and those with this greater quantity of brainpower can afford to lose more, due to natural shrinkage with age, before their brain starts showing obvious signs of decline.

That’s why two people whose brains have shrunk equally can appear dramatical­ly different in terms of how quickly their brains seem to age. Those who put their brains to better use can withstand greater loss of brain matter.

But even if you left school at 16, there’s no reason why you can’t continue to study or learn and reap the benefits too.

Anything that requires reading, concentrat­ion and memorising is good — from doing multiplica­tion sums in your head to spelling words backwards and learning another language.

Just the effort you make trying to learn something unfamiliar will help to unlock long-unused recesses of your mind.

It’s also vital to keep in contact with others. The more friends you have, the lower your risk of developing dementia, according to numerous studies.

It’s been estimated that older people with many friendship­s and

relationsh­ips could be between 25 and 50 per cent less likely to develop dementia than those with few friends or family contacts.

One study of ‘super agers’ at Northweste­rn University in chicago followed a group of 24 people aged 80 and over who had retained the brainpower of people in their 50s.

recruits were selected by their ability to recall a list of 15 random words half an hour after having them read to them. An average 80year-old remembers only five, while an average 50-year-old remembers nine or more.

The ‘super agers’, however, remembered at least nine — and some could recall all 15.

One distinguis­hing factor shared by all the ‘super agers’ was that of being extroverte­d and having many more social contacts than their peers.

The third key activity for brain health is exercise, which is just as vital for your brain as it is for your body.

Indeed, keeping physically active is one of the best ways of maintainin­g and even improving your brain health as you age. countless studies have shown that regular exercise can directly improve your brain function.

And surprising­ly, perhaps, resistance training was found to bring much greater benefits than aerobic exercise, with increased muscle tone directly associated with improved brain function in several studies.

That said, there’s a significan­t benefit to your brain and body from all forms of exercise — and regularity is key.

The greatest benefits come from a combinatio­n of muscle strengthen­ing plus aerobic exercise — which is much more effective than either by itself. sHrINkAge is just one of many processes that occur in the older brain.

Its most obvious effect is seen in the working memory, the work space in your brain where you can hold or manipulate a handful of facts and figures.

This space has limits, and the older you get the tighter the limits; this is why mathematic­ians, musicians and physicists tend to do their best work when they’re young and why once-simple tasks get progressiv­ely more difficult with age.

It also helps you to multi-task and juggle life’s responsibi­lities, so it’s precisely the type of brain function most healthy people want to optimise.

You can do some simple exercises at home to enhance your brain capacity and strengthen your working memory.

And the good news about your ageing brain is that more people than ever are living into their 80s in excellent brain health. And the rate of Alzheimer’s, far from increasing, is actually falling.

Around 850,000 Britons currently suffer from dementia and, although the total number of cases is rising as people are living longer, the risk of getting dementia is actually lower.

In fact, since the seventies, the risk of dementia due to any cause has fallen by 15 per cent every decade — proving that lifestyle plays a major role in how our brains age and that dementia is not an immutable force. MeMOrY of one kind or another is at the heart of all life. What else is DNA but a way for life to remember its own blueprint for reproducti­on? You might assume that a brain is necessary for rememberin­g, but that’s not so.

consider e. coli, the single-celled bacteria that live in the guts of most warm-blooded creatures (humans included) where they’re usually harmless but occasional­ly cause food-borne sickness. Incredibly, they have a version of a short-term memory.

When they’re swimming around in your intestines looking for food, they keep going in a straight line until they find something nutritious, then stop and eat.

Then they pirouette around in a tight circle, looking for more food nearby. Once a localised area is

exhausted, they continue on their way. This is called area-restricted searching, and almost all animals do it. For instance, if a pigeon finds a crumb under a chair, it will carry on pecking nearby until no crumbs are left, then flutter off to another spot.

Both parts of this strategy are really important — making sure you find every last crumb in a given area, and then systematic­ally searching other areas.

What’s curious is that the human brain works in exactly the same way, using area-restricted search.

If I asked you to list all the

animals you could think of, you may well begin with the category of ‘pets’ (cats, dogs, budgies, goldfish). Once you’ve run out of animals to list, you’ll move on to another category such as ‘farm animals’ or ‘jungle animals’ — exhausting each category before moving on rather like the E.coli in your gut or a pigeon pecking for crumbs.

A fascinatin­g study, in the journal Memory And Cognition, found that smarter people can list more animals overall than less intelligen­t people — but only because they are better at thinking up more categories in which to mentally search.

When the researcher­s ran the test again with another set of participan­ts, they asked all those taking part to use a set list of categories (such as pets, jungles, farms, woods). As a result the gap between the smarter and less smart people disappeare­d.

n Adapted by Judith Keeling from Life LeSSONS FROM A BRAIN Surgeon by dr Rahul Jandial, published by penguin Life on June 27 at £16.99. ©dr Rahul Jandial 2019. to order a copy for £13.59 (offer valid to 22/6/19; p&p free on orders over £15), call 0844 571 0640.

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