Scottish Daily Mail

Secret of Carol’s 25in waist at 58? 26 miles of hiking every week – and 400 squats!

- By Alisha Rouse Showbusine­ss Correspond­ent

AT 58, she still boasts a figure many women half her age would envy.

But Carol Vorderman has revealed that maintainin­g her 25-inch waist requires a gruelling workout regime with around 400 squats a week.

The mother-of-two also enjoys 26mile hikes in the Brecon Beacons every week and avoids the scales, preferring instead to focus on her dress size – currently an 8.

Appearing on ITV’s Lorraine, the presenter said: ‘In terms of squats, or the equivalent of squats, I probably do over 20,000 a year... that’s a lot.’ She added: ‘I haven’t weighed myself since 1999. I don’t actually know how much I weigh and I don’t care because I go on my dress size – thank God for Lycra! I’m probably about a size 8 to 9 at the moment. ‘I’ve always had a small waist – I think I’m about 25 inches around my waist. If I put on a bit of weight, I know I have, and I go up to a size 11. A larger size 10 – that’s kind of my boundary for where I’m happy.’

But she explained that the menopause changed her body and that having a hormone-releasing mirena coil fitted made her put on weight.

‘As you go through the menopause things change,’ she said. ‘I had what’s called a mirena coil – I put on a stone in two weeks. It gives off hormones as well, so I had it removed and it took me a year to lose the weight.’

She also disclosed that her mental health suffered. ‘I went through this terrible hormonal depression,’ she said. ‘And I don’t use that word lightly – it really was awful.’

During the interview, broadcast today, she explained that she now uses bio-identical hormone replacemen­t gels made from plant sources.

She said: ‘Wow, has that changed everything! I’ve noticed my skin has improved, my shape has changed, things have grown significan­tly, and that I know is linked to that [the gels she uses]. Your shape changes.’

Bio-identical hormone treatments have grown in popularity as an alternativ­e to traditiona­l hormone replacemen­t therapy (HRT) but are not yet recommende­d by the NHS.

The NHS said they are ‘unregulate­d’ and ‘there’s no good evidence to suggest they’re safer than standard HRT’.

 ??  ?? Enviable: Carol Vorderman shows off her figure
Enviable: Carol Vorderman shows off her figure
 ??  ?? The scenic route: Miss Vorderman on a hike in the Brecon Beacons
The scenic route: Miss Vorderman on a hike in the Brecon Beacons

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