Scottish Daily Mail

BBC survey was a farce


We have received our letter from the BBC telling us that our free over-75s tV licence will be withdrawn.

We were never sent a letter advising us this was under review and inviting us to take part in the survey, the results of which were used to make this decision.

Were the responses a fair spread of opinions across all ages, especially from those it was going to affect?

JANET TOWNSEND, Bromley, Kent. tHe BBC letter states anyone aged 75 or over who receives Pension Credit will still be entitled to receive a free tV licence, and they will ask for proof. the BBC is not a benefits agency and surely has no jurisdicti­on as to who should or should not get a free licence. if they persist in going down this path, will they be in breach of data protection? Mrs SHIRLEY COTTON,

Sheerness, Kent. WHY don’t BBC staff, from those on extortiona­te salaries to those on moderately high wages, sponsor an over-75 viewer’s tV licence? the sponsors could be issued with a picture of their individual ‘oldie’ watching a favourite daytime show.

HILARY WELLER, Oake, Somerset. WHY is the BBC sending out letters to pensioners over 75 telling them they will have to pay for a tV licence after May 31, 2020? thanks to all the media coverage about this issue, everyone already knows. if the BBC is so hard up, why waste all that money on postage?

A. RECCHIA, Whitby, N. Yorks. HeRe is my reply to the letter from the BBC: ‘this represents a month’s groceries for us. Get the cell ready — can we have a double, please?’

BRIAN COLEMAN, Rugby, Warks.

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