Scottish Daily Mail



ADJUST your mindset to ‘think active’ — and notice all the possibilit­ies there are for you to move more. Could you walk or cycle rather than using the car for a short journey, make time for 15 minutes of energetic gardening or vacuuming, or walk around the room while chatting on the phone? ‘Think of activity as a friend who can help you reach your goals,’ advises Professor Ken Fox, who helped develop Slimming World’s Body Magic activity programme.

MANY fitness benefits can seem far off in the future, so pay attention to ‘little wins’. Focus on what you did do rather than what you didn’t do. Going for a short walk might not seem like much — but if you add it all up over a week you can congratula­te yourself on what you have achieved.

TRY something new — if you’ve attempted to get fit in the past and it didn’t work, it may be because you didn’t find the right activity for you.

JOIN an exercise class. You might make new friends but if you find the idea daunting, look for a beginners’ class where everyone will be new.

SET yourself a challenge — such as taking part in a charity walk — then tell your friends about it. You’ll be motivated to keep it up if you’ve made a commitment to take part in the event. Raising money for a good cause can be very inspiring and satisfying.

GET support. When it comes to adopting a new healthy lifestyle, research shows that people who get support from others are more likely to stick with it. This is a key reason for the popularity of Slimming World’s groups — powerful support helps members to stay focused on their goals.

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