Scottish Daily Mail

Boris must listen to Barbara’s plea


Having cared for a husband with alzheimer’s disease, may I say how good it is to see that Dame Barbara Windsor and her husband, Scott Mitchell, are ambassador­s for the alzheimer’s Society. She signed a letter to Boris Johnson requesting essential support for those with the illness and their carers. Barbara and Scott are a shining example that life is not over when you are diagnosed with alzheimer’s and that you can still enjoy yourself. However, they have highlighte­d it is a nightmare without the right support from healthcare agencies — above all, having the endless worry over whether you will be able to afford care home fees without having to sell your home. Thank you, Barbara, for having the courage to take part in such an important campaign. BARBARA DOW, Amble, Northumber­land.

Dame Barbara Windsor, who is living with the devastatin­g consequenc­es of alzheimer’s, has rightly urged the Prime Minister to act because the social care system is unfair and needs an urgent overhaul. Every aspect of care, education and wellness of the mind has been neglected in this country for far too long. We have been forced to hand over our much-needed money to others before our own, and it’s this that really annoys me about the Remain/Project Fear brigade. For decades, we have allowed our fishing industry to be decimated by Brussels and been forced to buy cheap essentials such as steel — when ours used to be the best in the world — putting thousands out of work. If we could also sort out the disgrace of privatisat­ion, red tape and moneygrabb­ing companies, then we could take our money back for our sick and dying, so future Barbara Windsors will not have to suffer indignity.

ASHLEY SMITH, March, Cambs.

I Hate to see animals caged, but that is what I have condemned my husband to. over the past five years he has gone gradually downhill with dementia. a year ago, I had to accept I could not manage him at home any longer and he is now in a care home 35 miles away. He is so well looked after he could go on for years, not knowing where he is or recognisin­g his family. Due to his illness, there was no power of attorney and it is taking over a year to be granted a deputyship. our house is solely in his name. By the time the financial contributi­on to my husband’s care has been paid, there is not enough left to pay the bills, maintain the house and garden, and pay for petrol. My own savings are dwindling and there will be nothing left to pay for my care if it becomes necessary. My husband is totally lost, knows no one, can’t converse and does not know night from day. Just like an animal in a cage, he prowls around constantly. Is it cruel to keep a person in this state? I’m sure there will be those who condemn me when I say I wholeheart­edly agree with euthanasia. From a purely financial point of view, it would save the NHS and the Government an enormous amount of money in care fees. The man I have loved for 50 years has gone — he is just a walking shell.

ROS RIDLEY, King’s Lynn, Norfolk.

 ??  ?? Campaign: Dame Barbara Windsor
Campaign: Dame Barbara Windsor

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