Scottish Daily Mail

A fitting memorial to brave PC Harper


The death of PC Andrew harper has got to be the last straw. There has been enough talk by our politician­s about how they are going to deal with crime on our streets. By all means start the ball rolling by recruiting 20,000 more police officers, but it will take time before they are trained and patrolling the streets. Revised sentencing guidelines could be implemente­d overnight. The punishment must fit the crime, so I would suggest prison sentences for carrying a lethal weapon must be increased to ten years, actual bodily harm to 15 years and with a life sentence for murder. In fact, I would welcome the return of the death penalty for the most heinous crimes. KENNY ALLEN, Newton Abbot, Devon.

AT LAST we have a Prime Minister who appears to be promising everything people have been demanding about putting more police on the streets, but the response is: what are these extra officers going to do? Liberals complain: ‘Surely they are not going to be banging up more villains — these poor souls need our sympathy and understand­ing.’ The softly-softly approach has failed, brought home to us with the death of PC Andrew harper. It’s time to give the police the incentive to solve crime, introduce zero tolerance, sweep away the feeble judiciary and make perpetrato­rs serve their full sentences. CHARLES JONES, Chester.

MY heART goes out to courageous policeman Andrew harper, who died so tragically doing a job he loved. To think that only four weeks ago his lovely wife Lissie walked down the aisle to marry the man she admired and loved. It is so hard to contemplat­e that the next time she walks down that aisle will be behind his coffin to say goodbye.

B. A. ISSIT, Spalding, Lincs.

ON The morning of his wedding, PC Andrew harper sent his bride Lissie a card reading: ‘Life is slippery. here, take my hand.’ Poor Lissie has lost her sweetheart, her future and her dreams, but most poignantly, she has lost the hand that would save her if she stumbled. The nation mourns with her after another one of our heroic boys in blue is killed while protecting us.

ASHLEY SMITH, March, Cambs.

 ??  ?? Tragic: PC Harper and his bride Lissie
Tragic: PC Harper and his bride Lissie

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