Scottish Daily Mail

10 years for rapist of blind woman

- By Connor Gordon

‘Shown no remorse and wouldn’t admit crimes’

A SEX offender who raped a blind woman while on bail over another attack has been jailed for ten years.

Mikey Hoc, 20, carried out a string of rapes and sex offences on a number of victims – with one telling how he ‘ruined my life’.

The former boxer had denied the charges but was found guilty in February of raping three women and physically assaulting another.

Yesterday, at the High Court in Glasgow, he was told he would serve a decade behind bars.

He will be supervised for a further five years and was put on the sex offenders’ register.

Hoc pounced on his blind victim in the Moredun area of Edinburgh in May last year. He had been freed on bail over another rape only weeks before. His victim told the jury he had offered to help her get a taxi but instead subjected her to a horrific ordeal that ‘ruined my life’. The mother added: ‘I could not fight him... he was too strong. He is evil. He needs to get locked away.’

In March last year, Hoc attacked two student friends in Edinburgh. He raped one, aged 21, and held a knife to the throat of the other.

A schoolgirl also told how Hoc had raped her in a church graveyard in Edinburgh in November 2016, when she was 15. He raped her a second time a month later.

Hoc’s lawyer, Kevin McCallum, said his client insisted he was innocent. He said he was a ‘vulnerable young adult’ but described his crimes as ‘impulsive and deceitful’.

After the sentencing, Detective Sergeant Ross Duthie, from Edinburgh’s public protection unit, said: ‘Mikey Hoc preyed on these women, often befriendin­g them before subjecting them to the most horrific crimes. He has shown no remorse and would not admit his actions, forcing the women to relive their ordeals during the trial.’

 ??  ?? ‘Evil’: Mikey Hoc raped three women
‘Evil’: Mikey Hoc raped three women

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