Scottish Daily Mail

Airbnb ban served up to chef as city tackles short lets

- By Bart Dickson

A CHEF has been ordered to stop letting out her flat due to the ‘detrimenta­l’ effect of shortterm visitors on her neighbours.

Katie Ogilvy-Wedderburn, 35, used a website to rent her threebedro­om home in Edinburgh to up to six people at a time.

Tourists and business travellers can use the £400,000 flat while she is working overseas, in the Swiss Alps.

Miss Ogil v y - Wedderburn insisted she had strictly controlled the flow of guests and had reduced the maximum number allowed to three.

But council bosses launched an investigat­ion before ordering her to stop using the top-floor property, in the capital’s Grassmarke­t area, for paying visitors.

City of Edinburgh Council said using Airbnb to allow people to

‘Detrimenta­l to local amenity’

stay breached planning rules and should be halted.

In a letter, it said: ‘This regular turnover of visitors, combined with guests having access to communal areas including a shared landing and staircase, is detrimenta­l to neighbouri­ng residentia­l amenity.

‘ The i mpact on residentia­l amenity as a result of visitor turnover is accentuate­d through the large number of people the unit can accommodat­e.’

Miss Ogilvy-Wedderburn has now appealed to the Scottish Government.

A letter lodged on her behalf states: ‘No physical alteration­s requiring planning permission have been made or are proposed to be made to the property to facilitate its use for short term residentia­l letting.

‘Therefore she believes there is no breach of planning control.’

A reporter will issue a decision in due course.

One in ten properties in Edinburgh city centre are on Airbnb, a recent report claimed.

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