Scottish Daily Mail



SUE KREITZMAN, 79, was a successful food writer before making an unexpected transition into the arts world. She featured in the film Fabulous Fashionist­as. Sue says:

AGEING is a blessing, of course it is. What’s the alternativ­e? We’re so lucky to be alive — it’s time travel! There is an old lady revolution going on right now and we’re becoming much more visible.

I feel I’m a pioneer as I’m very vocal and do a lot of public speaking on ageism. I’m also very active on social media.

I didn’t register that I was an old lady until I was in Fabulous Fashionist­as and realised it was a film about old people.

I met my husband when I was 15 and he was 16. He works in Cambridge and I work in London, so we have separate lives during the week, then spend weekends together and go to New York a few times a year. That’s the secret to our happy marriage.

He’s a scientist, but he is very supportive of my art, as is my son.

I’m in demand as an artist but I also consider myself a work of art. Every morning, I don’t get dressed, I curate myself. I can’t take my art with me when I leave the house, so I wrap myself in it. I’m a walking collage.

I’ve become famous for being a weird old lady — it’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me.

I believe we are all ageless, but not immortal. You have to make every day count.

I try my best to take care of myself, but it’s also a matter of genes. I don’t believe in Botox or plastic surgery. Just be who you are for God’s sake — accept that this is what time does to us.

My life motto is: don’t wear beige — it might kill you!

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