Scottish Daily Mail

Balancing the scales — with a Bellini in one hand and a pud in the other


FINALLY, I am getting better at this Wellness Journal!

Aware that the scales were going the wrong way this week, I’ve been weighing myself every other day.

It has certainly focused the mind on staying strong when faced with temptation of the food and drink kind.

The week before last I’d only weighed myself once — and the week was a disaster from start to finish.

It kicked off with a party, and my resolve to drink only water melted the moment I arrived and saw trays of chilled peach Bellinis. I had two.

One large glass of white wine and too many canapés later and I scrounged a ride to the Tube. Apart from falling off the wagon, I hadn’t even managed to walk a minimum of 10,000 steps as I had pledged to do each day. I managed only 4,500.

The week continued in the same vein — another party, more white wine and I managed to wolf down roast beef and Yorkshire pudding canapés. Lethal for the waistline. By Friday, horror of horrors, I’d put on 4lb.

But last week I was stricter with myself. No more canapés. No more Bellinis. I had porridge for breakfast and didn’t so much as look at a packet of biscuits.

I got to the gym and stuck at it for a 40-minute workout. The trouble is, I struggle to get myself there as often as I would like to. Last week it was once.

I know I should do more, so I’m now debating whether to throw myself at the mercy of a personal trainer for the last week.

On other matters I had another go at meditation, but I simply haven’t got the patience or the will-power.

A clearer mind was never the big aim for me — what I want is to get back to 11st (I’m slightly under 5ft 10in tall) and to shift that unsightly midriff. I’ve got 5lb to go. I am not going to go up a trouser size.

Now, to find that personal trainer . . .

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