Scottish Daily Mail

Thug ordered his bull terrier to savage police officer and two others

- By David Meikle

A THUG ordered his Staffordsh­ire bull terrier to maul two members of the public and a police officer.

Stephen McCafferty yelled at his dog Mia to attack his victims during a 20-minute rampage.

McCafferty, 22, assaulted staff member Fiona Sutherland at a Costcutter store in Hamilton, Lanarkshir­e, as she tried to throw him out after he had stolen scratchcar­ds and wine from the shop. His dog sank its teeth into the arm and leg of her colleague, Joseph Springett.

McCafferty then assaulted a woman in an opticians and later set the dog on Dariuz Gorczynski outside a primary school.

Police were called and McCafferty was cornered after a chase. He screamed at his dog to attack PC Ross Meldrum and it mauled the officer’s hand.

Yesterday, McCafferty, of Blantyre, appeared at Hamilton Sheriff Court and admitted robbery and assault in June.

Depute fiscal Scott King said: ‘Miss Sutherland was working in a branch of Costcutter and the accused entered and left his dog outside. He asked for scratchcar­ds to be checked, which hadn’t been scratched, so she began doing that for him.

‘He then made his way to the scratchcar­d counter, reached over and took a few. He was told to stop but continued to take cards. He was told to leave and there was then a struggle where he became more aggressive.

‘The accused then left and was followed by Mr Springett and began to walk away, followed by his dog.

‘The accused then ran towards the witness and attempted to kick and punch him but the witness was able to grab the accused’s leg and they both fell to the floor. He was then heard to say to his dog “Bite, bite”, while pointing towards Mr Springett and the

‘Bit him on the left hand’

dog bit him on the right forearm and right leg.

‘Dariuz Gorczynski was outside a primary school when he saw the accused open a car door and remove a mobile. He approached the accused and he began shouting “Get him”, while directing the dog towards the witness. The dog then bit him on his left calf.’

Mr King added: ‘Police saw the accused outside a primary school. He was traced in a dead end, where he began shouting, “Get them, Mia”.

‘Police drew their batons because of the dog but it ran towards PC Meldrum and bit him on the left hand.

‘The accused’s aggressive behaviour required them to strike him with a baton and apply straps before carrying him to a nearby police van.’

Sheriff Thomas Millar deferred sentence until next month and remanded McCafferty in custody.

The dog is being cared for by a family member.

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