Scottish Daily Mail

Some of Scotland’s elite love the place so much they even choose to live here


ONE of the most amusing tics of Scottish nationalis­ts is their unshakeabl­e conviction they are in the vanguard of a daring antiestabl­ishment movement. If you count bravely standing up to the powers that be and telling them they’re doing an absolutely smashing job, I suppose they are. The same party that came to power declaiming the failures of the Lanarkshir­e Labour nomenklatu­ra and has been running the show uninterrup­ted for 12 years cannot come to terms with the terrible, exhilarati­ng truth: they are the establishm­ent now.

The ruling-class-in-denial is well represente­d in the ranks of the nation’s writers, artists and other celebrated ‘creatives’, some of whom love Scotland so much they even live here. They have issued A Declaratio­n for Independen­ce, 2019, the ‘2019’ presumably included lest anyone confuse the constituti­onal musings of Elaine C Smith with those of Thomas Jefferson.

The manifesto, signed by 50 of the most glittering names in Scottish public life, proclaims that ‘Scotland should take its place as an independen­t country on the world stage’. The alternativ­e would be ‘to accept that Scotland’s fate would remain in the hands of others and that the Scottish people would relinquish their right to decide their own destiny’.


As a rule of thumb, when flag enthusiast­s start talking about destiny, it’s time to stockpile canned goods. Other imperative­s include an independen­t judiciary and freedom of speech (both of which the UK already has) and local government reorganisa­tion, unilateral nuclear disarmamen­t and the right to join trade blocs (all of which the UK can already do).

With a flourish, they ‘affirm the values of care, kindness, neighbourl­iness and generosity of spirit’, values which are always best expressed by breaking up a centuries-old partnershi­p and erecting a border between the erstwhile partners.

The very existence of the declaratio­n is baffling. These instrument­s are usually drawn up by rebels against the reigning order, putting them on notice that their rule will soon be cast off.

Scrolling through the signatorie­s, I counted a half-dozen, maybe as many as a dozen, who could pick up the phone and get face-time with the First Minister.

The intellectu­al establishm­ent’s revolution­ary self-image is matched only by its insistence on speaking for the people. The same dynamic was seen in the 2014 referendum, when the cultural cognoscent­i were consulted for their insights from the literary coalface.

Alan Warner, best known for his 1995 novel Morvern Callar, warned of the ‘sinister and depressing implicatio­ns’ of a No vote, namely a ‘profound and strange schism between the voters of Scotland and its literature’ and ‘the death knell for the whole Scottish literature “project”’.

Scots voting to remain in the UK would represent ‘a crushing denial of an identity that writers have been meticulous­ly accumulati­ng, trying to maintain and refine’. After all, ‘has there ever been another European country where a “progressiv­e” – and to use two pompous words – “intelligen­tsia”, has united in a liberation movement, yet the majority has finally voted against the aspiration­s of this movement?’

It’s not hard to see why artists rely on grants and endowments, advances and prize money. Could you imagine these people in a job interview?

But it was Chicago-based Trainspott­ing author Irvine Welsh who captured what rubbed up the Scottish elite the wrong way about Westminste­r: it was too elitist. A breakaway was stirring because ‘the Conservati­ves have long given up even pretending to represent anybody other than society’s elites’, while the only promise of Labour was that it might ‘perhaps wring some begrudged concession­s from those elites’.

The voters were now aware of ‘the public school elites’ and other establishm­ent types who actually ran the country and would benefit from ‘freedom from the corrupt, imperialis­t and elitist setup’.

The superstiti­on that Scotland is above the everyday human and social vices that bedevil the rest of the country is just a happy-clappy articulati­on of the national superiorit­y complex from which these people suffer.

Scottish nationalis­m is not a grassroots initiative the people managed to force onto the political agenda. It is an elitist project that finally learned how to do populist politics. Its adherents enjoy unrivalled dominance of government, the third sector, academia and the arts.

What is missing from Scottish national populism, is the people themselves. They have little input to a campaign that is ultimately about those in positions of political, institutio­nal and cultural power wearing them down until they support separation. The only contributi­on the masses are allowed to make is the tax revenue that eventually subsidises those who presume to speak for them.


A populism of the people would not produce the document at issue, a selfindulg­ent meander through the political pedantries of a class apart, those with more ideals than insights and more influence than their mercurial analysis of priorities merits. That is why their manifesto does not declare a right to better healthcare or a quality education.

It is why they do not clamour for job creation and why their statement insists that ‘economic growth should not be pursued at the expense of the wellbeing of the people or their habitat or that of other people or nations’.

These are pedestrian matters for those whose minds feed on the spiritual junk food of national greatness and whose hearts thump for higher things than mere schools and hospitals. Nationalis­m always puts the nation first and those who live in it have to wait their turn. Nationalis­ts the world over do the same.

What knocks the spirit is that this bland and derivative politics is what stirs those minds that are meant to be our most adventurou­s, our most innovative – that Scotland’s creatives are so unoriginal.

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