Scottish Daily Mail



THEY say that ‘a change is as good as a rest’. Yet the last thing we want is for our hearts to be caught napping now. Following Venus’s move opposite Uranus, it’s time to take advantage of all the valuable opportunit­ies that are about to make their presence felt. Fortunatel­y, we don’t need to be in a rodeo to grab a bull by the horns. The Full Moon suggests that subtle ways to advance a cause will prove to be the most successful.

ARIES Mar 21 - Apr 20

WE LIVE in the greatest playground in the cosmos. Other residents come here in their spaceships, dress up in human outfits and have the best fun, riding on the Tube, pushing shopping trolleys around supermarke­ts and sitting on sofas to watch box sets. What do you mean? You don’t believe me? How can you prove that? These days, when it’s hard to know what’s true and what’s not, the Full Moon in your sign brought you the ability to discern what’s a problem, and what just appears to be one. Transform your problems between now and the next New Moon. For your Moon sign prediction, call 0906 751 5601.

TAURUS Apr 21 - May 21

SOMETIMES, after I’ve written your prediction, I think: ‘Oh no! Perhaps I shouldn’t have said that!’ On some of those occasions, I make a few edits. On other days, though, I leave it as it is. Today, even though I need to tell you that you need to face your fears ‘head on’, I’m being sensitive about how I phrase the advice. In the same spirit, and as part of the same process, it would be wise for you to give extra thought to how you address a friend today. Don’t pull any punches — and remember to be kind. For a spookily accurate prediction about the Full Moon’s potential to bring positive change, call 0906 751 5602.

GEMINI May 22 - June 22

WHEN things are going well, it’s easy to be gregarious and positive. But if the situation is challengin­g, even the most outgoing optimists can find themselves sinking under the weight of psychologi­cal baggage. Yet one person’s ‘challengin­g situation’ is another person’s ideal. The only person who knows where your limits lie is you. And the only way to discover them is to go right up and take a really good look. Do that and you’ll see there’s much more to be positive about than you think. Call now for your spookily accurate latest personal Moon sign forecast. Dial in your date of birth! Call 0906 751 5603.

CANCER June 23 - July 23

THERE are some strange people in this world. And I don’t mean the convention­ally weird ones, the oddballs and the eccentrics. No, the strangest of all are the ones who believe that they’re completely and utterly normal. They might even, at first sight, appear normal. It’s only with time and

LEO July 24 - Aug 23

VIRGO Aug 24 - Sep 23

careful observatio­n that their idiosyncra­tic natures reveal themselves. Are you confused by someone’s approach to a situation? As soon as you give up on the idea of ‘sense’, everything will become clear. Transform your problems between now and the next New Moon. For your Moon sign prediction, call 0906 751 5604. HOW certain are you about what you’re certain about? And how unsure are you about everything you’re doubting? We often ask questions about issues that should be clear, while treating uncertain hypotheses as certaintie­s. This forecast isn’t meant to make you doubt your thoughts and feelings, but it would be wise to keep an eye on recent misgivings concerning a matter which seemed to have been sorted. The Full Moon indicates that an open mind can open an auspicious door. For a spookily accurate prediction about the Full Moon’s potential to bring positive change, call 0906 751 5605. IF YOU won’t take a risk, how can you hope to gain a reward? Yet when we push our luck, there’s always a possibilit­y that we might push it too far. As you gauge your limitation­s today, you need to know whether you’re driving your own fate or whether fate is driving you. Is something giving way under the force of pressure — or is it giving way because the universe senses that the time is right? Following the powerful Full Moon, it’s likely that whatever you decide, you’ll have to go with the flow. Call now for your spookily accurate latest personal Moon sign forecast. Dial in your date of birth! Call 0906 751 5606.

LIBRA Sep 24 - Oct 23

WITH Mars in your sign, you’re getting used to a different sense of pace and pressure. The edgy feeling is due to an increase in intensity which is likely to grow while you become more and more aware of what you need to do and how fast you want to see results. Are you setting your sights too high? You won’t know unless you try! The best you can do is to do your best and see where that takes you. Following the powerful Full Moon in your opposite sign, aim high . . . you can achieve stunning results. Transform your problems between now and the next New Moon. For your Moon sign prediction, call 0906 751 5607.

SCORPIO Oct 24 - Nov 22

ALTHOUGH the idea of composing a list of all the forces working against you might seem appealing, the list would be so long that you’d run out of ink before it was complete. The satisfacti­on you’d achieve from seeing all those negative factors written down would be displaced by the inability to complete the task! Yet Venus is in your sign and it’s highlighti­ng a positive element in your life that can be easily described. Focus on that today. Some of your challenges can be transforme­d. For a spookily accurate prediction about the Full Moon’s potential to bring positive change, call 0906 751 5608

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 23 - Dec 21

WE HOLD the ‘experts’ in our world in great respect. Yet often they’re just people who know a little bit more than the rest of us about a specific topic. Their words might be quoted on TV shows and in online articles, but they’re not infallible. Yet their ideas shape our hopes and beliefs. If you explained all your thoughts about the issue you’re now contemplat­ing, what do you think an expert would say? Don’t let someone who knows less than they seem to know influence your decisions. Call now for your spookily accurate latest personal Moon sign forecast. Dial in your date of birth! Call 0906 751 5609.

CAPRICORN Dec 22 - Jan 20

DIGITAL images are composed of minuscule dots of light arranged in different colour combinatio­ns. Even the cheapest phones create images using millions of these blobs. Yet this mindboggli­ng process is nothing compared to the incomprehe­nsible number of microscopi­c particles that come together to compose complex creatures. Within each and every one of us lie golden sparks of goodness and hope. Focus on the good in your world today and watch something delightful unfold. Transform your problems between now and the next New Moon. For your Moon sign prediction, call 0906 751 5610.

AQUARIUS Jan 21 - Feb 19

YOU can close a deal and reach a productive decision. What’s frustratin­g is that it has nothing to do with the issue you’re most desperate to resolve. Yet in reaching this point, you’ve had a realisatio­n that has affected your approach to the more long-term problem. When we understand where our priorities lie, the question of what we need to compromise on melts away. If you protect what needs protecting today, anything else will simply take care of itself. For a spookily accurate prediction about the Full Moon’s potential to bring positive change, call 0906 751 5611

PISCES Feb 20 - Mar 20

SALESMEN, magicians and psychologi­sts have similar views on the human mind; we are very susceptibl­e to powers of persuasion. We’re able to convince ourselves of anything, if we really want to. And if someone presents us with an opinion that supports our ideas, we take it on board without really questionin­g it. Which is precisely why we’re open to deception — both by others and by ourselves. The rosetinted glasses you’ve been wearing are losing their colour. Welcome reality with open arms. Call now for your spookily accurate latest personal Moon sign forecast. Dial in your date of birth! Call 0906 751 5612.

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