Scottish Daily Mail

No prosecutio­n over Legionnair­es’ deaths

- By Paul Rodger

NONE of the companies linked to a deadly outbreak of Legionnair­es’ disease in 2012 is to face legal action, it has emerged.

The outbreak in Edinburgh claimed the lives of four people and left 92 others seriously ill – with many still suffering.

The source of the outbreak has never been conclusive­ly proven despite a seven-year probe.

Legionnair­es’ disease is a lung infection caused by the Legionella bacteria and spreads through the breathing in of droplets of contaminat­ed water.

The partner of Bert Air, who died following the outbreak, has been notified that proceeding­s against two firms – Ashland Industries UK Ltd and Macfarlan Smith Ltd – scheduled to start this month, have been dropped by the Crown.

Proceeding­s against three other firms, North British Distillery Company Ltd, Pera Services Ltd and Chemtech Consultanc­y Ltd, ended last year when not-guilty pleas were accepted.

Catherine McDonald, 61, who was with Mr Air for 12 years, said: ‘People keep saying it’s about money – it’s not. I want an apology.

‘I want somebody to put their hand up and say “sorry, it was us, we apologise”.

‘To my knowledge, there’s a young lad out there in his 30s who’s still suffering from the actual after effects of Legionnair­es’. Give the money to him, he needs it, not us.’

Mr Air, 56, came home ill from a building site in Gorgie, Edinburgh.

He was taken to hospital by his anxious partner but died 12 hours later after a massive heart attack.

A Crown Office spokesman: ‘It is the duty of the Crown to keep cases under review, and after full and careful considerat­ion... Crown Counsel decided that there should be no further proceeding­s.’

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